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Using BOB and Other Tools in Opera

PostPosted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 5:02 pm
by runewake2
With Opera 15 the browser is now based off of the same engine as Chrome, this makes things quite interesting for those of us using Opera but unable to use cool Conquer Club features such as BOB.

Due to Opera now using the same engine all extensions designed for Chrome will function in Opera 15 and above. This means you can use Tamper Monkey which will allow you to install GreaseMonkey scripts in Opera 15. Their website includes a link to the Opera extension download or you may get it from Opera's website here.

Installing scripts will look like this. When you see this prompt press OK.

Once you have Tamper Monkey installed you can install Grease Monkey scripts like you would with any other browser, just navigate to the script and install it. This should work for most scripts, I have tested it with Assault Odds and BOB and both work flawlessly.

If anyone has any issues getting an extension or tamper monkey working in Opera let me know. Remember, it does require Opera 15 and will not work with earlier versions of Opera. To get the newest version head over to Opera's Website.