Conquer Club

Clan War


One Step Ahead
Gladiators of Noxious
7 1
One Step Ahead Wins!
Complete War, CL6 - Second Division - OSA vs GON. Started 2014-12-10 Ended 2014-12-27. Played over 1 Rounds.
War Discussion
One Step Ahead Gladiators of Noxious
V.J. 1/1
Auger13 1/2
GROND 2cd. 0/0
Nicky15 2/2
Beko the Great 0/0
Iron Butterfly 0/0
silversun6 0/0
regan the great 0/0
emporium 0/0
bjonte 0/0
Woltato 0/0
briggs1209 1/1
geko 2/2
benga 0/0
Hannibal 19 0/0
Rocco Star 1/1
rh-headhunter 0/0
killboy108 1/1
Field-Marshal Ot 0/0
jalijoo 0/0
TX AG 90 2/2
lilice 1/1
hutchkov 3/3
Sea Devil 0/0
DoomYoshi 0/0
Dukasaur 0/0
lXeneXl 0/0
Seamus76 1/1
willedtowin1 1/2
Tiberius Maximus 3/3
ry4260 1/2
Dusty21 0/0
Kingm 0/0
Sir conquer 0/0
cutter44 1/1
bpbp 0/0
StorrZerg 0/0
TheCrown 0/0
King Edward 3rd 1/3
Killuminati19 0/1
halashus 0/2
WOLFZ71 0/1
stompie 0/1
DB4Christ 0/0
Ragot25 0/0
mtamburini 0/0
Cump Sherman 1/2
TuffyLess 0/3
gemini1512 0/1
Suppurator 0/1
Odug 1/3
Frank Martel 0/1
crasp 0/0
Bantam 0/1
legionnare 0/1
jwiedlin 0/0
DougieGee 0/0
archer3base 0/0
jusplay4fun 0/0
mookiemcgee 0/2
charm 0/0
Gabsensei 0/0
o Mandelbrot o 0/2
archieball 0/0
Round 1
Home Games For OSA
Quadruples, No Spoils, Fog
Quadruples, No Spoils, Unlimited, Fog
Quadruples, Flat Rate, Fog
Triples, No Spoils, Fog, Trench, 20 Rounds
Triples, Flat Rate
Triples, No Spoils
Doubles, No Spoils, Unlimited, Fog
Doubles, No Spoils, Fog, Trench, 20 Rounds
[BETA System]