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Honor Wall for Wacicha

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 8:44 pm
by mpjh
Wacicha has retired from being the leader of the Society of Cooks. I couldn't stop him, his real life is taking up his time and his traveling prevents him from having any computer access. He is not gone -- just retired.

Wacicha founded the Society of Cooks Training Grounds along with Gloryordeath. He devised the teaching strategy and did most all the teaching himself. His "Redman" games were where many of us learned the basics. This site is enjoyable for me, in particular, because Wacicha helped make sense of the games for me.

On a personal note, he never talked much, just stepped in when you needed help, or when the scene got a little too hot. He tried desperately to get me to improve, offering contests and challenges for me to make LT. I was a very slow learner and sure appreciated his patience. Now we have many hot shots on the team and in the Society that often can run circles around me (especially in team games), but I hold my own by sticking with the basics Wacicha taught.

I know he hasn't left for good and will be around from time to time, but I will personally miss having him there to answer desperate pm's asking advice.

I hope you all will use this thread to tell your favorite anecdote or praise for Wacicha, he will not admit it, but he will enjoy reading it.

Re: Honor Wall for Wacicha

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 9:24 pm
by wisemanpsemc
I never got many posts from Wacicha. I did enjoy playing in his games and his little notes about noticed improvement. His accidental pm's to me made me chuckle too. I am glad I got to see his pic with the monster burger. I hope he enjoys himself in his rl endeavors.

Re: Honor Wall for Wacicha

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:04 pm
by Calidrmr
wow! it won't seem the same without you, Wacicha! your advice & strategy has helped me improve in my singles games! if i get overwhelmed, i just think about what i have learned here! Good luck in RL! Visit us when you can! :D

Re: Honor Wall for Wacicha

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:04 pm
by Dukasaur
I'm new here so I have had minimal contact with Wacicha. I think we exchanged a grand total of 2 PMs when I was a brand-new SoC student and I accidentally joined a game that another student in my classroom was in. Still, by proxy he has had a tremendous influence on me. I've seen many things written either by him or about him, and they've influenced me. And of course his creation -- the SoC -- has been a major part of my CC life.

Thank you for everything, Wacicha. I've felt your influence strongly even if it was indirect. I hope you enjoy your travels have some remarkable experiences!

Re: Honor Wall for Wacicha

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:12 pm
by Master Kai
Thanks for helping and making this place what it is. I've played only a few games with you but it was great watching you play and reading your movements each round.


Re: Honor Wall for Wacicha

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:19 pm
by notyou2
Wacicha, I want to thank you for creating and maintaining the society. I know I speak for many when I say you taught us all very well and made the society a fun place to learn, and that this game is intricate and can be played on multiple levels. I only regret that I have only played against you 58 times. I hope there are 58 more games in our future. See you soon.

Re: Honor Wall for Wacicha

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:23 pm
by Industrial Helix
Thanks so much for your efforts. There was a time when i was a lowly cook with no idea as to how to gain some CC dignity and I happened to catch your sig advertising the Society of Cooks. Not only did you help me raise my points but you taught me to win and, as we all know I'm sure, winning makes a game much more enjoyable :) I do enjoy this game, both SoC format and others, and it was because of the skills I learned through SoC that makes this so. Now, I delight when friends break out the Risk board and they have no idea I've played over 1700 games. They mock me when I go for Afghanistan, your personal favorite as I remember, and then they are destroyed. Let every victory be an homage to you and your generous aid to us, the poor cooks.

Re: Honor Wall for Wacicha

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:23 pm
by ptlowe
Well my story with Jack goes way back. Before SOC. I joined under Wacicha's journey in team Xi Games. Him Gangus, warhawg, and glory showed me the ropes in playing my intiial games. He has always been a good friend. My real gaming expierence came from Tribal Wars where Wacicha was the leader of our clan there. We were able to dominate that game much like many of the members from XI Games has here. I believe Wacicha quit Tribal Wars in order to have more time here and for the cooks. He told me and Happy2seeyou about it and convinced us to join and help teach team games many moons ago Anyways, thanks my friend for the games and friendship. See you around.


Re: Honor Wall for Wacicha

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:39 pm
by Jyshon

Thanks for all the effort and commitment. SoC is the only reason I didn't leave this site in frustration after the first couple of weeks. I haven't been here long but am well aware that the sense of camaraderie, good will, and sportsmanship in this community are rooted in your vision and realized through your hard work.

May fortune follow you,


Re: Honor Wall for Wacicha

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:47 pm
by ElricTheGreat
Good day Sir !!

1st let me take a moment to thank mpjh for bringing this news to my attention. I am relatively new to the SoC and the CC as well. I was introduced to the site by a classmate and really enjoyed it but kept getting my butt kicked.

So as I was checking out the forums I stumbled into this Forum talking about training players and introducing them to the online game ... focusing on the Terminator version of the game.

I checked in a couple of times and finally took the 1st step by asking to join up and get myself some much needed help ... man while typing this I just noticed it must be like heading for therapy !! loll ... anyway .. I hope I was not too big a pain in the early days .. or even in the later days!

Well I have worked my way through the ropes to the point where I am now in the position to help others learn what I have been taught ... not knowing until recently that everything going on with the SoC can be attributed to your hard work over the years.

I want to let you know personally that I have had and am continuing to have a blast!!! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR EFFORTS

I also wanted to say you are welcome ... since I joined I just checked and have been in 24 games with you. It has been an honor for me to keep you and your rank propped up! It has been an honor watching and learning from a Master!

Little did I know how much help I have been for you to keep your Rank ...loll

Of the 24 games you personally won 7 of them outright .... so I dug a little deeper ... being the curious fellow I am .. I needed to know how I did against you at least on the personal level ... I figure I do not win alot of games but I usually get to take out a player or 2 before getting knocked off myself ....

Well that was not a pleasant finding either .. even if I do not look at the games you won outright, I only managed to take you out TWO times!!! I think that even in the games you did not win you managed to give me the boot more often than I had the privilege of showing you the door ....

All that being said ... u can see can't you that it is a good deal of my hard earned points that have kept you going at such a great pace.

Seriously ... thank you for many months of great entertainment and learning experiences. The group of guys that participate on a regular basis, with the SoC, is a tribute to the effort and sweat you donated to the site and the Society of Cooks. The work you put into your baby will continue to help others and keep going long after all of us have moved on ... but again this is thanks to you and the small group of people that helped create everything that now exists and made this the place to be.

Good luck in whatever you choose to do with your newly discovered free time .. I hope the withdrawal symptoms will not too tough on those close to you in the real world :-) --- If things start getting too rough stop in somewhere and get some help, it could be one of the best choices you ever make !!!

Please stop by occasionally to say hi to your disciples. All The Best!

Re: Honor Wall for Wacicha

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:11 am
by ganguscalm
Well said Paul ! =D> =D> =D> I also remember the early years of CC , before the Tribal Wars melt down . :evil: ... We all looked up to Wacicha for advice long before SoC . O:)

Wacicha , you have my total respect , as a good friend and a leader of men ! 8-) I will keep a candle in the window for you and glory and await your return .

your friend for life ,
Dennis AKA gangus :cry:

Re: Honor Wall for Wacicha

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:15 am
by Charle

We sure are going to miss you here, and all those redman games. Thanks so much for your help and you cannot believe what you did for me to make this game part of my life! Good job man!

Re: Honor Wall for Wacicha

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:38 am
by macbone
Wacicha, in many ways, you ARE the Society of the Cooks. You and Gloryordeath built a training grounds here that I hope continues for many years to come. The biggest draw to Conquer Club for me over other game sites was and continues to be the Society, a place where players can come learn strategy and hone their skills. You'll be greatly missed, man. Thanks for everything.

Re: Honor Wall for Wacicha

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:40 am
by Iron Butterfly
Wacicha was smart and knew what he was doing. He knew that eventually he would leave and if SoC was to continue it would have to be by those who where part of the vision of what SoC could be.

When I first started wacicha was the Main Cook. He recruited, he trained and he advised. Its a bit different setup today then what we had. Today we have the classrooms, volunteers program and graduate lounge amoung other things.

When I first joined SoC I was a sarge. I had clawed my way up through singles and doubles games. Most times it felt like one step forward and 2 steps back. I read the first 4 moves, which is so simple and yet so effective. I shot to lieutenant in about 2 weeks. Wacicha asked me to teach others. I have since learned that wacicha didnt ask me to be a teacher because he thought I was a good player, he asked me because he recognized that I was teachable. Being teachable is everything in SoC.

A couple of years ago Wacicha asked me to be DI. The one who teaches promising students how to teach others in SoC. Once again it was a big lesson. I learned first hand the dedication Wacicha had by entrusting to strangers what some here at CC tend to see as the Holy Grail, ones rank. Your Only as good as your rank some may say. Wacicha didnt care. He would entrust several games at a time to students. He would win or lose dependant on their suggestions. If he didnt agree with their advice he would still follow it. I learned first hand what it was like teaching folks who where not teachable and thought new better.
We also recruited for SoC teachers that way. wacicha never questioned my judgement and always had my back with difficult students.

Im not sure what else to say except life goes on. he left SoC a better place then he found...Hell he created it. He taught newbies how to fight back against those who would take advantage in the best way possible. By preparing them to play the game in a competitive manner. His vision was to create a place that would as best as possible make the CC community a more competive place for the newcomer. Over time the Sharks learned that there was a risk of trying to take 5 points from a lowbie.

The founders have left but not before creating a strong foundation in the CC community. MPJH has been the backbone for a long time and Macbone has been the DI teacher trainer. There are a ton of terriffic instructors and helpers in SoC and it is all do to what Wacicha put in place several years ago.

Ina Gada Davita baby!!

Re: Honor Wall for Wacicha

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 1:21 am
by jricart
Its a sad news, but real life is more important than anything else. I hope you the best and thank you so much for your support and help you gave me.

Take care.


Re: Honor Wall for Wacicha

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 2:58 am
by Pirlo
you have been always helpful sir... now you have left us a gap which I doubt it can be filled... hope to see ya around...

- Andrea the Charmer :geek:

Re: Honor Wall for Wacicha

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 3:53 am
by emelar
=D> =D> You truly are a leader, a creator, and a selfless teacher. While it is true you were the SoC, by your design and stewardship it is self perpetuating and grows like a little university. It foments friendships, learning, accomplishment, self esteem, and enjoyment for many. You have been a great help to me through your creation and I thank you very much for it. I salute you, sir. =D> =D>

Re: Honor Wall for Wacicha

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 4:49 am
by Bruceswar
There is not enough words in the day to put down for Wacicha. But we can all say we are in deep debt to him for getting this started and running it for so long. I am just glad to have been of help and when and if you return, your spot will always be open.

This is a sad day for all the soc, but we will remain strong.

Take care and thanks for all the fish!

Re: Honor Wall for Wacicha

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 5:19 am
by Deli
Thank you for your sacrifice that enabled the majority of us to progress from Cooks to Officers.

I still apply the 4 turn rule to my terminator and standard games.

Also if it wasn't for the SOC I wouldn't have found so many of my regular team mates.

Enjoy your retirement.

Considering how many terminator games you played with cooks it was always impressive to see how you managed to maintain your rank. I have since found out that Elric donates you some points on a regular basis! :lol:

Re: Honor Wall for Wacicha

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 6:56 am
by oldrisky44
Wow. What to say. wacicha has been an inspiration to me ever since I "met" him here. mac, dhallmeyer, and lt. Futt helped me win my very first SoC training game against wacicha. It was a thrill to beat the master, even if it really wasn't me winning the game. His silent service has affected many many of us, and we will all sorely miss him.

Happy trails Master wacicha.

Re: Honor Wall for Wacicha

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 7:27 am
by mpjh
Here is an old interview Dhallmeyer did of Wacicha

Staff Interview: Wacicha

dhallmeyer wrote:How did the SOC come about?

It seemed a lot of the players decided to beat up on the new joiners, for example 3 player games when you lost you did not know if it was your lousy playing or because they ganged up on you and split the points. I decided something had to be done, so long before the cook school started I wrote an article for new players to give them strategy and different tips to make their game time more enjoyable. It was only in the last 2 years that they fixed up a forum for us to do this in a better learning atmosphere for new players.

dhallmeyer wrote:Do you have any good game stories to tell?

I rarely get angry and after first few games I never Ally. In game 1509 I was accused of allying in a 3 man game. We argued back and forth. That player that I argued with became a close CC friend and my doubles partner for a long time.

dhallmeyer wrote:What do you do in the real world?

I am a mobile Notary Public in Los Angeles County California.

dhallmeyer wrote:What family details would you like to share?

I am Wacicha - The Redman
I was born on an Indian reservation. It made me who I am. Wacicha was what my Grandmother called me growing up. It is Sioux Indian it means White Trash.

Did you ever hear the song a boy named sue I always thought it was spelled Sioux.What you think is normal is NOT what I think is or was brought up to believe was normal. What and who I am today is mostly because of that name. The indian boys hated me The white boys hated me. Grandma said get tough or die. She said if you are in a fight and are winning make it quick. If you are losing make sure he looks like you got some. Her exact words were "while he is eating his dinner you better get a snack."
My mama felt this was a part of life also.
We were a family of migrant farm workers and every now and then a mining town, I went to 10 or 12 schools a year.

Here is an example of the first day of school one of the more memorably ones.

One time at a mining town on the first day of school, being the new halfbreed in school, I was chased all the way home by 12 to 15 white kids. I was screaming mama mama mama they want to beat me up mama mama. Before I reached the door my mama came out and yelled "what is going on. I said they want to get me!!! she said and I quote " Not this way, do it one at a time."

I fought my ass off that day, won some lost some. but they all knew they had been in a fight. I fought to the end. When I lost one I got up ready for the next one.

Re: Honor Wall for Wacicha

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 7:32 am
by PLAYER57832
Thanks for the games, advice, maps and great thread "conversations" .... an endless list. For once, I don't have enough words.

Enjoy your retirement!

Re: Honor Wall for Wacicha

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:08 am
by SirSebstar
honor met W

Re: Honor Wall for Wacicha

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:57 am
by dhallmeyer
Fair winds and following seas! We will endeavor to carry on with what you have taught us.

Re: Honor Wall for Wacicha

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:05 am
by al12
I don't know you that well haven't been here that long either.
All the teachers say a win in a game against you is a good one, but those seem to be the only games I've won in so far with the SoC :P
Good luck.