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Re: rating limits on private games

PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 3:09 pm
by ccatman
TheForgivenOne wrote:Okay, this has me a little confused.

A) It's private. You require a password to enter Private Games. so how would a high rank player get into a lower ranks private game?
This will allow users to make a private game knowing only good players will join making an exciting game for them.
This is what the private games are for... They require a password. You can easily post on the Callouts forum, that you are looking for players with X+ amount of points, and have them PM you for a PW. OR you can PM a bunch of high ranks with the password, and ask them to join if they want.

well i dont have many people to invite to them and this way it just fills up without me asking random people if they want to join
i think its easier this way

Re: rating limits on private games

PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 3:13 pm
by TheForgivenOne
Not that hard to post in Callouts either...

This reminds me a lot of the "Rank limit" suggestions that have come by. Or Score limit. And i am pretty sure each time they had been rejected. But this was a long time before i became a mod in here.

Hmmm, i'll go search and see what i find.

Re: rating limits on private games

PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 3:14 pm
by TheForgivenOne

Been suggested and rejected numerous times

Re: rating limits on private games

PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 3:20 pm
by ccatman
hmmm well i hate pming a bunch of random people with games invites i think games would fill up faster this way but i can understand why its been rejected

Re: rating limits on private games

PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 3:26 pm
by TheForgivenOne

That is for 2000+ games.

That's about all the advice i can give you. The Callout forum is your friend.

That is the callout forum in general

Re: rating limits on private games

PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 3:53 pm
by TheForgivenOne
With that, i am moving this to Rejected

enable only certain ranks to join new games

PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 5:01 pm
by Trevor33
i'm sure this has come up before, can you post a link to the thread if it has? thanks.

anyway i'd like to set my games when creating them so only certain ranks can join them, i'm sure it's not too much to ask. how many times have you created a game only for a couple of new users to come and play only a couple of turns then leave? or a clueless cooks who joined your game only to ruin it for everyone with some mindless play?

no offence to them but i only want to play people around my level (or greater) as they are usually much more enjoyable games.

Re: enable only certain ranks to join new games

PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 5:07 pm
by jefjef
This has been suggested often and has a lot of CUSTOMER support but CC does not believe in rank segregation.

Heck we can't even keep freemiums, who a large % of are multi, out of our games.

Personally You should not be able to join a game vs an officer until you at least have a stripe.

But CC won't do it.

Re: enable only certain ranks to join new games

PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 5:11 pm
by TheForgivenOne
Private games my friends. Go into the Callout forums, and Set up a thread where only a certain rank can join. Ask them to PM you for the Password

Re: enable only certain ranks to join new games

PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 6:53 pm
by stahrgazer
trevor33 wrote:i'm sure this has come up before, can you post a link to the thread if it has? thanks.

anyway i'd like to set my games when creating them so only certain ranks can join them, i'm sure it's not too much to ask. how many times have you created a game only for a couple of new users to come and play only a couple of turns then leave? or a clueless cooks who joined your game only to ruin it for everyone with some mindless play?

no offence to them but i only want to play people around my level (or greater) as they are usually much more enjoyable games.

Three ways..
1) as TFO pointed out, you can create private games and give out the password sparingly.
2) Reserve the game to opponents and check frequently in case an opponent declines so you can quickly reserve it to another opponent of your choice.
3) Foelist everyone under a certain rank. It's possible, though painstaking and must be kept up. It's technically legal as well; although those who've done it are frowned on or joked about by many members of the community.

p.s. it's been requested frequently, I'm not sure CC bothers linking all the same threads together anymore, but if you want an older thread where it's come up, just look in rejected suggestions.

Re: enable only certain ranks to join new games

PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 7:53 pm
by Trevor33
thanks for the replies, after 4 1/2 years that's what i figured. shame, it would make the site a lot better imo. i know there’s other ways like have been pointed out here but seriously who wants to go through all of that hassle when it could be sooo much easier?

Re: enable only certain ranks to join new games

PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 7:59 pm
by TheForgivenOne
Because CC does not like Rank Segregation. How would it make CC better? All of a sudden low ranks would be running out of games to join, because all the high ranks block them from their games.

Re: enable only certain ranks to join new games

PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 8:17 pm
by Trevor33
TheForgivenOne wrote:Because CC does not like Rank Segregation. How would it make CC better? All of a sudden low ranks would be running out of games to join, because all the high ranks block them from their games.

i disagree, not all high rank players would block lower ranks, quite simply because then there wouldn't be enough high ranks to give them their desired game quota. personally i would allow 2 ranks below me to enter my games, if everyone did a similar thing it really wouldn't be a problem. plus there's always going to be enough guys who post games with no ranking segregation or quite simply guys with lower ranks trying to get games with people if a similar ability. so you can argue that it helps everyone...

Re: enable only certain ranks to join new games

PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 8:25 pm
by TheForgivenOne
Let me ask you this. How many majors and Colonels like to play against a cook? They gain what? 6 points for a win? And risk something like 50-60 points

Re: enable only certain ranks to join new games

PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 8:27 pm
by TheForgivenOne
But as said before, and shown to you, this has been rejected numerous times, so i will be merging/moving this to Rejected

Let newbies protect temselves from farming with Rank Filter

PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 11:17 am
by Tezu
I know this has been proposed over and over, and rejected over and over again, but please, read the arguments in this thread.

Concise description:
  • Help newbies protect themselves against farmers and hostile comments by adding Rank/Point Filtering

  • Add an option when creating games which defines the minimum and maximum rank a player must have to join that game.
  • Add the same option when searching for games to join.
  • Maybe add this option not so much as a restriction but as a proposal, so players know if they are welcome or not in a game, and can decide if they wanna join even if the other players don't want them there.

How this will benefit the site and/or other comments:
  • When I first joined this site, I avoided joining games with lieutenants and above, sometimes I joined a game, and later, when it started, I discovered with horror that a high ranking player had joined the game. This could have been avoided with a rank filter which would have allowed me to see what kind of players would join.
  • The first few months I was part of this community I got involved in games with high ranked players, and messed up their games by making bad moves, this, of course, made them angry, and I received more than one hostile comment for those mistakes. Now, I find myself supporting if not making those kind of comments to new players. I know, rude players can be reported, but a rude hostile comment doesn't hurt as much as a polite one, and those can't be reported! So, why would we wanna expose new players to a situation that probably will make them leave the site for good? Like I've read somewhere in these forums, we can only make ONE first impression, why would we risk someone's first impression to be a hostile one?
  • There have been some reports about newb-farming because a player sets up a lot of games in a specific setting, and a lot of newbs join them. I was one of those players who got accused once... I used to set up games in Feudal for 4, 5 or 6 players, and a lot of newbs joined the 4 and 5 player ones, I got a warning and had to stop playing the 4 and 5 players games altogether, so I wouldn't be accused of farming. Those who play Feudal know that having an empty castle in the game, gives it a whole new dynamic, but I had to stop playing that specific setting. If I had been able to filter by rank, it wouldn't have been an issue.

Re: Let newbies protect temselves from farming with Rank Fil

PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 2:07 pm
by Darwins_Bane
If i were a farmer I would have a field day with this setting if it were implemented.

now that I have a few more mins to take a look at a sugg, here's why I disagree with it.
1. I personally feel that more high ranks will consistently target low ranks due to the fact that your sugg would make this easier.
2. It would be easier to farm
3. If you implement the join anyways button that would make it even easier to target low ranks.
4. There is already a limiting of NR's game options till they get some experience.
5. it would widen the rank segregation.

I would suggest if you are looking for games against a certain rank you post in the callouts forum.

Re: Let newbies protect temselves from farming with Rank Fil

PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 9:32 pm
by Tezu
How will high ranks target lower ranks if they are prohibited to join their games?

Let's say I'm a cadet, so I'll set up a game in which the only ranks allowed are cooks through privates, how do you think a high ranking player is going to target me?

Re: Let newbies protect temselves from farming with Rank Fil

PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 9:46 pm
by TheForgivenOne
Tezu wrote:How will high ranks target lower ranks if they are prohibited to join their games?

Let's say I'm a cadet, so I'll set up a game in which the only ranks allowed are cooks through privates, how do you think a high ranking player is going to target me?

Because high ranks will set games where only low ranks can join

Re: Let newbies protect temselves from farming with Rank Fil

PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 10:45 pm
by Darwins_Bane
TheForgivenOne wrote:Because high ranks will set games where only low ranks can join


I just want to add that low ranks often like to join the games made by high ranks.

Re: Let newbies protect temselves from farming with Rank Fil

PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 11:56 pm
by Tezu
TheForgivenOne wrote:
Tezu wrote:How will high ranks target lower ranks if they are prohibited to join their games?

Let's say I'm a cadet, so I'll set up a game in which the only ranks allowed are cooks through privates, how do you think a high ranking player is going to target me?

Because high ranks will set games where only low ranks can join

Obviously the option of filtering I'm proposing has to be so that if I make a restriction, my rank has to be in that frame, otherwise I can't join my own game!!! Plus, there can be another restriction, If I make a game available for players 2 ranks below me, it has to be open for players 2 ranks above me... maybe not even sort it by rank, just make a filter where I can decide how many points apart from my own points the players joining have to be... for example, if I set it up so that players have to be at most 100 points apart from me, players with 100 points less and 100 more than me can join...

Re: Let newbies protect temselves from farming with Rank Fil

PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 12:26 am
by TheForgivenOne
The reason this won't be done is that they believe if new recruits are less able to join games with high rankers, that means they are going to be playing with themselves more often. Games with new recruits are generally less enjoyable because they tend to deadbeat or suicide more often than experienced players. So new recruits would be less likely to stay and ultimately purchase premium because they would have a more negative experience by playing in games with more deadbeats like themselves. Along with the fact point segregation is bad. How are lower ranks supposed to learn if they can't find an open game against a higher rank? They will just keep learning bad strategies.

Re: Let newbies protect temselves from farming with Rank Fil

PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 4:00 am
by Daggerheart
Tezu wrote:Obviously the option of filtering I'm proposing has to be so that if I make a restriction, my rank has to be in that frame, otherwise I can't join my own game!!! Plus, there can be another restriction, If I make a game available for players 2 ranks below me, it has to be open for players 2 ranks above me... maybe not even sort it by rank, just make a filter where I can decide how many points apart from my own points the players joining have to be... for example, if I set it up so that players have to be at most 100 points apart from me, players with 100 points less and 100 more than me can join...

Yes, Tezu is very much touching the thing that has to be changed to CC. I should not be "forced" to make only games where I have to set passwords and invite players to get matches with the rating I want...

If you are able to set a restriction (as one of the options) for your games (Tenzu's example -100/+100)... this would be taken care of... and THIS stuff is ALLREADY happening... so why not make it easier? So you don't need all the invite work??

Of course this is an OPTION... you can still join or make games WITHOUT this option...

Re: Let newbies protect temselves from farming with Rank Fil

PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 4:18 am
by TheForgivenOne
The owner has said it before, he does not like this suggestion. He does not approve of rank segregation. Sure, people do it, so why make it easier? And you can't always say "Well let's just make it an option" Because this site would be over run with so many settings, and so many features, that new players would be completely lost. You guys would have to convince lackattack that this idea has more pro's then con's.

Re: Let newbies protect temselves from farming with Rank Fil

PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 5:12 am
by Daggerheart
No kidding... guess we need a new owner then...

Add the -100/+100 and option, make all the "invite only" games non-ranked games and this site would be more interesting.