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Re: Offer a draw

PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 5:53 pm
by Metsfanmax
Except in the scenario where no points are lost or won in a drawn game.

Re: Offer a draw

PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 6:23 pm
by Qwert
by Darwins_Bane on Fri Feb 25, 2011 12:52 am

mybad wrote:
draws are part of any real strategy game
Except one that involves killing everyone else to win.
A draw button could be abused. Say there are 4 high rankers and 4 low rankers in a game. 8 man standard, the four low ranks team up and kill the four high ranks and then call a draw. Doing so nets them each a lot of points.

you forget one thing- draw buton will be activated only after 50 or 100 rounds.
The draw buton have purpose when game last very long, and when its obviously that game become stalemate.
Ofcourse its can be abuse, but i doubt that 4 high ranked will sit 3-4 month to play 100 rounds, to draw buton to be activated,and then to share quite misery of points( lets say that they get 10 point each). I think that its not worth to play so long. Also will be for low ranked players.
With these requirements for draw, you will prevent abuse of these button.

Re: Offer a draw

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 3:29 pm
by pipsqueak
and dont these conspiracies ignore the fact that you can do them anyway? eg from mybad
"A draw button could be abused. Say there are 4 high rankers and 4 low rankers in a game. 8 man standard, the four low ranks team up and kill the four high ranks and then call a draw. Doing so nets them each a lot of points."
Without a draw button, the four low rankers adopt this strategy in four games, and take one win each? No real difference?

Re: Offer a draw

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 5:56 pm
by Qwert
"Without a draw button, the four low rankers adopt this strategy in four games, and take one win each? No real difference?"
quite right, and with 100 rounds draw button activation, i think that its not worth to team up, when will get 30 point each after 3 month of play.

"Draw" Button

PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 6:26 am
by hushovd
Hi there,

im quitte stuck in some games. Round limit is a super choice to prevent that in the future. But the games im in have fantastic players who all deserve to win from the ones we already "killed". Is it an option to call it a draw??

How do you guys think of that??

Greetz Hushovd

Re: "Draw" Button

PostPosted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 11:11 am
by chapcrap
Is this a question or suggestion?

There is no way to make it a draw.

There will never be a way to make it a draw. Sorry.

Re: "Draw" Button

PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 1:55 pm
by hushovd
sorry, youre rigth. It was meant as a suggestion but as i read my own text you indeed could see it as an question....

Re: Allow "Ties" -- New Game Option

PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 7:58 pm
by t4mcr53s2
i think it makes more sense to consider draws in games >150 rounds ONLY when 3 on more players are left....
i know we could have just started as 100 round limit but you don't always think about it....
game 1000001 comes to mind....
... when you start with 8, winnow to 3 and then get stalled for 100 moves its kinda boring... wouln't do it in a 2 person game

ties in endless games; 3 or more player stalemates

PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 8:23 pm
by t4mcr53s2
[Delete Me]

i think it makes more sense to consider draws in games >150 rounds ONLY when 3 on more players are left....
i know we could have just started as 100 round limit but you don't always think about it....
game 1000001 comes to mind....
... when you start with 8, winnow to 3 and then get stalled for 100 moves its kinda boring... wouln't do it in a 2 person game

we could have just set the 100 round limit but didn't think of it when we joint the game

I know theres a potential for cheating, but less than with 2 person tie ( which i think is dumb) and there are probably faster ways to farm points sneakily than having to play 150 rounds....

Re: ties in endless games; 3 or more player stalemates

PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:22 pm
by Criticalwinner
They've brought up draws before and it was considered easy to be abused. Not going to happen.

Re: ties in endless games; 3 or more player stalemates

PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:29 am
by Seulessliathan
I think the round limit is a good solution for this. I hate stalemates, and i really like the round limit option. Just keep it in mind when you create games and you will be fine.
I don´t see any draw option coming since there is no really need for it any more due to the round limit option.

Re: ties in endless games; 3 or more player stalemates

PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 12:03 pm
by Gilligan
Seulessliathan wrote:I think the round limit is a good solution for this. I hate stalemates, and i really like the round limit option. Just keep it in mind when you create games and you will be fine.
I don´t see any draw option coming since there is no really need for it any more due to the round limit option.

He might be talking more about retroactively ending games before round limits, as he mentioned Game 1000001

Re: ties in endless games; 3 or more player stalemates

PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 6:41 pm
by t4mcr53s2
thanks all I'm satisfied ,... just will look for round limits or small maps with escalating...
i'm mainly talking about multiplayer no fog games that wind up in stale mate... just finishing one at > 100 that i'll win because one of the 3 deadbeated ... much less satisfieying than maneuveing for a few troop advantage at round 100

Re: ties in endless games; 3 or more player stalemates

PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 11:31 pm
by ThrushAAX
I think the 100 round limit should be default for all games. Especially tournament and special event games.

When do you ever plan on having more than 100 rounds in a game? It's just silly, pointless, and frustrating.

Re: ties in endless games; 3 or more player stalemates

PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:59 am
by Gilligan
ThrushAAX wrote:I think the 100 round limit should be default for all games. Especially tournament and special event games.

When do you ever plan on having more than 100 rounds in a game? It's just silly, pointless, and frustrating.

I feel this way about 50...

Re: ties in endless games; 3 or more player stalemates

PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 11:49 am
by t4mcr53s2
change the default length to 50 or 100 would be a good idea ..rather then endless and we'd have to move it to endless... i guess the idea of endless is purist view of war and similar to similar board games we grew up with but even then , with all-nighters, we'd rarely continue a game in our home town when winter break ended and some of us returned to school

Re: Vote For Draw [Rejected]

PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 7:44 am
by JamesKer1
MERGED together several threads.