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PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 1:06 pm
by KoolBak
But majors (etc) had to start out as new recruits once and they didn't learn their skills here, I would assume......

PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 1:10 pm
by GOD
in all fairness, the now majors didnt have Lts. or majors do play against when they started. But again, the way the scoring system works, someone with 2000 points runs big RISK of losing around 30 to 50 points if they play people with 1000 point scores.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 1:26 pm
by moz976
True. But if you're a New Recruit and a Major joins your game, they probably know what they're doing better than you do.
Maybe a New Recruit Only game system? Like a tutorial for the first three games.

In reality though in New Recruits all play in the same game they will lose more points than if they were in a game with a major that won. And if they do have a mojor to play against they are going to learn more watching them play then they would playing with a bunch of new ppl.


PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 1:32 pm
by Scarus
I don't even think this is an issue. I start a new public game everyday that immediately fills with players of all ranks. It's more of a risk for me to play with a private than the other way around because I stand to lose more. I would think that the players with fewer points would look to get into games with players with more points so they can move up the ladder.

Then again, if you can't win then it doesn't matter who you play because you're only gonna move in one direction. Which reminds me, at this rate, I might be a private again pretty


PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 2:38 pm
by mikey6rocker
good idea lack, but to not be bias, you can maybe let them play team games but only with each other.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 3:38 pm
by fishfleas
I like your idea....

but realize if you block them from team games then they will be more prone to form secret alliances in regular games.

Just some desert for thought....

I like the idea though...

I"m thinking though more of there being an option to limit access to games unless you have a certain rank..... say like.... if I want to set restrictions on what player lvls can enter.... I could play all newbies.... or no nembies.... or only lts and sergents..... or only privates.... or stuff like taht.....

Like have a list in the create a game area where you can click which ranks can join the game. :)

I think that would do nicely. Doesn't solve the whole problem but would at least help.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 9:38 pm
by nhulbert
i like it... it's sort of related to the rank>player idea, but that works too. ;)

PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 9:51 pm
by supermarcol
Hmmm I don't know about that idea. I don't like the idea of rank seggregation simply because I started as a recruit as everyone. If you want only certain rank to play, go premium and make a private game. Conquerclub right now is open and free. I like it that way. I think it would really hinder the growth of this site to restrict newcomers. If they can only play with other recruits, then they are very likely to play deadbeats, and like us wont like it and won't come back. It is a problem and that is because people don't take anytime to read anymore. Everything is explained in the how to play section, yet we get dozen of posts asking the same questions over and over again. There should be an entry exam where you get tested on the content of the how to play section and you need to pass it before you play your first game :mrgreen: . Anyway, the inflow of recruits will stabilize at some point, and then this might become less of a problem.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 10:39 pm
by mikey6rocker
also, some people create new users as 2nd accounts and out them on your team, so they play against you and they control your teammate. i think thats what is going on with my game because i told him 5 times to fortify his guys to me because i had the majority of the continent and instead he sent me a message saying " i have no idea what im doing" and attacked my guys.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 10:42 pm
by Chiater
Pff an exam? Now that's going too far. You obviously know that I knew basically nothing about risk a little while ago but I think if the people who are joining a doubles or triples game know what they're getting into and that they need to play (otherwise they'll make their partner really angry) then whoever becomes your partner is fine... And you go into a doubles game knowing that it could be anyone of any rank.. If you want someone you know is good then go ask them to be your partner. Newbies need to learn too.. and I think if they see a game with high ranking people they know they're in for trouble anyway...

PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 11:15 pm
by thegrimsleeper
What about a little banner at the top/bottom of the account creation screen That lets new recruits know that once they achieve Private status, they can start or join doubles and triples games?

That way, not only do we keep the deadbeats out of our publics, but the nubs have a little incentive to stick with it.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 11:47 pm
by Marvaddin
"Conquerclub right now is open and free. I like it that way. I think it would really hinder the growth of this site to restrict newcomers. If they can only play with other recruits, then they are very likely to play deadbeats, and like us wont like it and won't come back."

Totally agreed, supermarcol.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 1:24 am
by mikey6rocker
i like the idea of just having a check box the game creator can check. the creator can decide what rank level he wants to play in his game, he can select all players if he wants, newbs will still be able to play. just the experianced people who maybe want to play against other experianced people wont have to worry about a wondering newb who accidentaly joins a game of theirs.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 1:28 am
by supermarcol
yeah but who will want to play with new recruits? no one. We have to integrate them. If you want a game without newbs, join a private game or create one yourself, they're newb free.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 2:54 pm
by mikey6rocker
not all of us have premium membership, so we cant create private games, so there should be an option on who we want to play with, you cnat say no one wil play with newbs cause obviously you would. not everyone cares and they will select "all player", while others wish to play with people who have higher rankings.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 2:58 pm
by supermarcol
even if you dont have a premium membership (like me) you still can JOIN a private game. Go to the callouts forum, or just pm the person who started it. The will be no newbs there. its not that hard.

player balance system

PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 4:40 am
by wacicha
i know when i go in to a game with beginners that i stand to lose alot more than - gain point wise but i look for something else also i look for players who need help (refining) with they're skills then i work with them show them how to improve. That has cost me dearly in points there are a few platers who were good i helped improve them and now they kick my butt!! cause in point argyll72 he was good but kept spreading to thin and did keep the card count -- now iv'e seen lots of improvement w/ him and i lose far more points to him than i gain from him. And it was worth every point i lost to help him. i've made major 6 times now but seeing improvement in the new players means more it's good to use the forum but the beginner players will not get better unless they play the higher ranks and learn from the play which sometimes means talking to them and asking why they are doing what they are doing with out being an ass about it . i start about 4 to 6 games aday and they all fill up with all levels of players they know they may lose but if they win it's the pride of beating the higher ranks - we can teach and we all win - sorry long winded late at nite no players

PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 11:00 am
by dagreatbroomhead
yeah, and just because someones a private doesnt mean they have never played risk before, it just means they never have played risk before on this site. it could be the world champion siting behind a private rank, waiting to move up in the conquer club world.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 5:29 pm
by conda 1
wel lno becaus the new members may be verry risky and go for a hard game :D

PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 5:36 am
by max is gr8
conda 1 wrote:wel lno becaus the new members may be verry risky and go for a hard game :D

but it would be fair you could play games ith people with a score between 1400-1600 so you can play with people around your rank

PostPosted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 1:44 pm
by The Imperator
Still, regardless of prior gaming, playing on Conquer Club deviates from tabletop Risk on many levels. Freestyle turns, Random Deployment, and original maps all take some adjustment for beginners even if they've played the board game. Probably not worth the effort to program in, but still.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 1:57 pm
by thegrimsleeper
The Imperator wrote:Still, regardless of prior gaming, playing on Conquer Club deviates from tabletop Risk on many levels.

I thought that was the point...

rank balance

PostPosted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 2:05 pm
by wacicha
that may be true in point of fact it is --- but the site just opened on january 2nd i believe and on january 27 th when i joined you could only play in 5 games at a time so basically we were all newbies and time wise we still are newbies on this site so we all learn as we go - course most have not played as many games as some of us but that is why it is important during the game if someone asks a question to help and answer him instead of ignore the queston just the other day i was in a triple & one of the players asked how do you transfer to partner he did not know it is a border to border transfer only and was getting frustrated that he could not transfer straight to the territory 4 people played after him not one answered till i got my turn although 1 guy did write LOL == now he knows
== have fun teach others

Suggestion: Ranked games

PostPosted: Wed May 10, 2006 9:50 am
by agarvin
Perhaps another type of game should be allowed besides simple private and public games: ranked games where one must have a certain skill ranking to join.

This would help with two problems:
- Sometimes one is relunctant to join a game with players with low scores because of the great potential loss of points, especially if there's a great differential
- I wouldn't get any more games with someone who has just joined today and will never bother actually playing, disrupting the balance of the whole game. I'm in two separate 4-person games where half the players are deadbeats. People with ranks have shown a commitment to actually play games.

I'd like a chance to play several experienced people, but I'd like to just come in, see a game, and join it, rather than private-mailing around to get a group together for a private game.

PostPosted: Wed May 10, 2006 9:55 am
by Scorba
Yes, this would be a god send. Every time we get four or five decent players together some new recruit always seems to join and dead beat.