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Territory that offers vision but does not attack.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 12:43 pm
by random21
This is a question, before suggestion. But I had to post it somewhere.. so here it is.

I was told about the territory alcatraz on the one map, where it can be attacked but does not attack itself.

My question/suggestion, is it possible for this territory that can be attacked/not attack itself to provide vision to other territories?

So imagine maps with starting points. What I want to do, is have a territory somewhere on the map, and if you take it, it is like a spy station. You take territory x, territory X does not attack, but gives vision of Territory Y which could be 20 territories away, or 4 territories away, doesn't matter.

Can this be done? Obv fog games.

Now, if this can be done, can it be done where I take this spy station and any of the following happen:

We want to know if the starting point is occupied or empty... but not who owns it. So instead of ? we don't know anything, it turns to ! which just means, alert! some one is here. Or ? ! ... @ miss, the @ sign becomes way of saying, nope this starting point is empty. But all these symbols are white.

We want to know if its occupied and if it is, who owns it? So it goes from ? to a ! with a colour ! in blue... blue is there! But no identifying quantity of troops is the main point.

Then, to full vision. Take a territory, and it just plain tells you.. yep blue is here, 6 troops, but I can't attack it, I just know.

but from here! maybe we have a thing that tells you yep, starting point is 6 troops red, andddd it gives you ! ! ! ! markers in colour, of regions he has adjacent to 6 troop starting point, so you know what he took from his starting point adjacent.

This is my question. And if it can't be done. My suggestion. :)

Spice up our fog games.

edit: so if this is already in place, like a map on cc already has that, then that is an answer to my question.. and cool.

if i have to further argue for its merit: well picture team game, or standard 8 player game. in standard 8 player game, map makers can take classic styled maps like world 2.1, classic map, and add on a spread of territories which players can take to "spy" on whats happening on different parts of the board they've lost sight of... and just keep tabs of things.

btw, I also want it to be, that territory X gives vision to multiple territories, but I think I said that, x shows territory a b c d e f g h. If necessary or desired. Imagine a map like the senate map, with just four-8 additional territories, and all they do, is give vision to a handful of territories... its not worth a bonus, it just tells you.. this is how things are in places you can't see.

Now the objection might come... wait! its a fog game! you aren't suppose to know! ... and that is true. But this is sneaky. and tricky. And fun :) just another level to add to the risk experience of cc.

Re: Territory that offers vision but does not attack.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 2:14 pm
by rockfist
I like it.

Re: Territory that offers vision but does not attack.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 2:55 pm
by demonfork
Arms Race has spy stations

Re: Territory that offers vision but does not attack.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 3:02 pm
by rockfist
That's not exactly the same thing as they do bombard.

Re: Territory that offers vision but does not attack.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 3:22 pm
by WingCmdr Ginkapo
What if you give a bombard the condition that you must own all territories before it can attack? Then it can see but not attack (till the game ends anyway...)

Re: Territory that offers vision but does not attack.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 3:42 pm
by degaston
WingCmdr Ginkapo wrote:What if you give a bombard the condition that you must own all territories before it can attack? Then it can see but not attack (till the game ends anyway...)

I don't think they ever implemented conditional bombardments. Seems like something that could be done in an hour.

In any case, that still wouldn't be what random is looking for. For that, they could add a new tag for a type of border that can see, but not attack. Perhaps they could call it a <palinborder>?

Re: Territory that offers vision but does not attack.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 4:00 pm
by random21
I don't know what "palin" references, is that the women person? or is that a thing?

If a new tag can be made to specify border that is sweet.

On off note, while it isn't a secret or anything, I've decided to go ahead with some map making. quite early stages of. So, there are some things I'd like to put in this map. Just need to see if it can be done, or else I need to know one way or other.

I don't have graphic capabilities, or coding knowledge, but I might be able to get help with that. I just have concept, and people to bounce ideas off of.

The map will be gigantic :D It will becomes its own size marker. Hive is large. This one is Gigantic. Maybe. It might be smaller and still qualify as large. I have not made it.

I have begun to design a map where I need at least 60 spy stations. give or take. so I am putting out the feelers now, because if isn't something now, but can easily be made into something, I can proceed with filling things in and going forward with map.

Re: Territory that offers vision but does not attack.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 4:02 pm
by degaston
random21 wrote:I don't know what "palin" references, is that the women person? or is that a thing?

Just a stupid joke reference to Sarah "you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska" Palin.

Re: Territory that offers vision but does not attack.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 4:03 pm
by random21
lol oh I get it, yes that was the women person I was thinking of. It was the only palin reference I could think of.

I'm fine with that naming of border lol.

Re: Territory that offers vision but does not attack.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 4:25 pm
by degaston
I wouldn't count on them adding this any time soon (or at all?), unless BW suddenly gets very ambitious about making XML changes. There are a lot of good XML suggestions that have been waiting for years.

Re: Territory that offers vision but does not attack.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 4:31 pm
by random21
Oh dear, that is unfortunate. Well I'm going to truck ahead anyways. Which brings me to my next idea:

But I'll make post for it separately.

Re: Territory that offers vision but does not attack.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 2:27 am
by Dukasaur
I've always wanted this.

It's always been a minor dream of mine to make a Toronto map, and logically the CN Tower would be a place you could go have a look around and see the whole city. One way to do that would be to let it bombard everything, but that's not the kind of map I want (not an Arms Race missile, and in reality you can't really imagine someone putting an artillery battery on the flimsy roof of the Tower.)

Re: Territory that offers vision but does not attack.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 3:01 am
by WingCmdr Ginkapo
Are we sure my method wouldnt work with the existing codes?

Re: Territory that offers vision but does not attack.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 3:36 am
by Dukasaur
WingCmdr Ginkapo wrote:Are we sure my method wouldnt work with the existing codes?

I don't know enough about XML to give you a firm answer, but I suspect not.

I believe that if a conditional attack has not been unlocked, then you don't see anything.

Re: Territory that offers vision but does not attack.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 12:10 pm
by degaston
WingCmdr Ginkapo wrote:Are we sure my method wouldnt work with the existing codes?

No, your method would not work because conditional bombardment does not exist as an XML option. And even if it did, the way conditional borders work now, if you do not hold the conditions that would allow you to attack a territory, then you can't see that territory in fog.