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Old Player Who Wants To See This Site Expand.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 1:14 pm
by Aleena
TWO Ways To Greatly Improve This Site And Game and In Return Pull In A much Large Community

1).Give New Map Designers A Bone
As a once new map designer I found that the politics here are designed to push most players away and
only secure the most stubborn and hard working designers.

I understand that you want the game to feature high quality maps instead of having thousands of poor maps.
But to allow a mid range section maybe to allow players to openly build, test and redesign the maps as they go.
And maybe a community grading on the maps by each player as they play the new version of the map for the first time.
Allowing only the highly ranked games to be featured yet still having the poorly ranked games accessible for
testers and additional modification and growth of that designer.

I found that I might spend 15 hours or more in a row to fix a few issues that was brought to my attention
but then had to wait a few days or longer to be told in a vague manner that it was still not good enough
based off this one persons opinion how only took 5 minutes of their time to glance at it and gave little
to no support or constructive feed back

For a gun HO! designer who will stay up all night trying to adjust and build a map to have to stop and
wait a few days to get a vague comment on how it is not ready for the next stage is really diss-heartening...
Especially after spending months or longer on a project.

Instead allow the designers to go through all stages and post any map in a beta section.
Maps will stay in a beta section for one month or until removed by designer for more edits.
In that month other players can play it and leave their comments and grade it.
Maps that after a month have a high average grade can move into the featured list.
Else others will then have same day comments from multiple community players of what they think
the map needs; instead of having to wait days if not weeks for one assigned game creator mod to
give their one vague comment.

This will encourage new designers instead of discourage them....


2)modify or re-write the game engine to allow players to build RISK-like Boardgame Style play as done on Supremacy1914 or ThirtyKingdoms

They allow troop movement to be done by timers instead of turn based.
It allows for a more fluid game play feel.
I think if they allow the players to be able to design games like the two stated above and post them here;
Then this sight will also gain a lot of players and a more active community just as these other two sites have.(but more so)

I feel this is the true future of this site if this site wants to survive else it will never grow much more then it currently is...

Re: Old.Player.Who.Wants.To.See.This.Site.Expand.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 1:19 pm
by IcePack

Re: Old.Player.Who.Wants.To.See.This.Site.Expand.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 1:23 pm
by Aleena'

Re: Old.Player.Who.Wants.To.See.This.Site.Expand.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 1:28 pm
by BGtheBrain

Re: Old.Player.Who.Wants.To.See.This.Site.Expand.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 1:35 pm
by IcePack

Easy fix, highlight a "space" in someone elses sentence, Ctrl C, and Ctrl P everytime you want use a spacebar.

Re: Old Player Who Wants To See This Site Expand.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 2:19 pm
by Aleena
not so easy but ty for the advice i'll try to fix whole thing

Re: Old Player Who Wants To See This Site Expand.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 2:35 pm
by owenshooter
yes, more maps, please... ARE.YOU.KIDDING.ME?!! sorry, i think a large part of the site trouble is too many maps... too many complicated maps... too many newbs losing interest when they play these maps... too many settings and too many maps have watered the site down to so few available games, adding more is not the solution... sorry... horrible idea... can we please lock this thread now? the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir

Re: Old Player Who Wants To See This Site Expand.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 2:51 pm
by Aleena
I can see your point, but what makes this site so-special and dear to at least my heart is the map/game crafting feature.
This is what can set this site apart from the thousands of other online war games that I had played.

Maybe to help limit the number of bad maps/games besides (but in addition to) the community grading as mentioned in original post; make the crafting mode be a higher level premium service. This way the submissions of maps are limited to the few whom think it's worth both the time and yearly surcharge of let's say $50.00 - I know if I can build a game like ThityKingdoms for the community to enjoy, I would pay it.

And again allow the community to determine what games are worth staying and which ones should be dropped. By giving them a grading system that dictates what the average players want and clearing out those which do not maintain player's attentions.

This way this site will not have the issues as ownshooter says.

Re: Old Player Who Wants To See This Site Expand.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 9:18 pm
by degaston
owenshooter wrote:yes, more maps, please... ARE.YOU.KIDDING.ME?!! sorry, i think a large part of the site trouble is too many maps... too many complicated maps... too many newbs losing interest when they play these maps... too many settings and too many maps have watered the site down to so few available games, adding more is not the solution... sorry... horrible idea... can we please lock this thread now? the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir

You may be on to something here. Somebody contact YouTube and tell them to stop adding more videos - they have too many already. Then we can go after Google Play and iTunes. I'm sure there are already more apps than anyone can use in a lifetime. Tell the lame-stream media that we want nothing but re-runs from now on!

Let's start a movement to prevent new content from being added anywhere - It makes baby jeebus noir cry. :roll:
*snicker* *cough* *fart*

Re: Old Player Who Wants To See This Site Expand.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 9:25 pm
by degaston
Aleena wrote:Instead allow the designers to go through all stages and post any map in a beta section.

They are allowing pre-beta maps to be played on the Beta Test site. You can request access here:

They've been responsive with getting updates installed quickly and with no red-tape, but the foundry is still pretty dead, and no one is commenting on the maps in progress.

Re: Old Player Who Wants To See This Site Expand.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 9:59 pm
by IcePack
:lol: that was a good chuckle

degaston wrote:
owenshooter wrote:yes, more maps, please... ARE.YOU.KIDDING.ME?!! sorry, i think a large part of the site trouble is too many maps... too many complicated maps... too many newbs losing interest when they play these maps... too many settings and too many maps have watered the site down to so few available games, adding more is not the solution... sorry... horrible idea... can we please lock this thread now? the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir

You may be on to something here. Somebody contact YouTube and tell them to stop adding more videos - they have too many already. Then we can go after Google Play and iTunes. I'm sure there are already more apps than anyone can use in a lifetime. Tell the lame-stream media that we want nothing but re-runs from now on!

Let's start a movement to prevent new content from being added anywhere - It makes baby jeebus noir cry. :roll:
*snicker* *cough* *fart*

Re: Old Player Who Wants To See This Site Expand.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 11:20 pm
by riskllama
site needs more mapmakers and maps, i agree.
oh, and more paying customers would be good, too.
ps-welcome back, aleena

Re: Old Player Who Wants To See This Site Expand.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 3:41 am
by benga
you are not really old player, well unless you are not old in age
anyway will check those othere sites to see what they offer and CC doesn't
for now as I see it all of maps here have great quality, why should we decrease it?

Re: Old Player Who Wants To See This Site Expand.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 8:30 am
by Aleena
I joined in Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:55 pm
was active, initially but then found out about map creation and turned focus on to that.
after 6 or so months of beating my head against the wall with that I stopped coming to this site for about a year.
In my view a player that joined 2 years ago and then stopped coming back for over a year is an OLD PLAYER
Not sure what your definition is of that?
Did come back recently just because gaming and design is my passion and wanted to see (and hoped to see) how far of an evolution this site has gone in the past years



All of these are done on a static board Risk-like board game just like here.
But they use timers for troop movements instead of turns and I think in the long run this is more desirable to the masses.
Though even many players in their chat rooms (which by the way seem more active then here ) say troop movement is too slow
With that said It's clear to me that a majority of them would abandon this site do to it's (somewhat timeless yet) archaic turn based system

Re: Old Player Who Wants To See This Site Expand.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 10:39 am
by benga
we have this thing called freestyle, not sure what you mean by timers for troops
will check later
and no, not by any standards would you be called old, maybe adolescent

Re: Old Player Who Wants To See This Site Expand.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 11:01 am
by iAmCaffeine
benga wrote:and no, not by any standards would you be called old, maybe adolescent


IcePack wrote::lol: that was a good chuckle

Such a mature moderator. You should learn to keep personal feelings out.

degaston wrote:You may be on to something here. Somebody contact YouTube and tell them to stop adding more videos - they have too many already. Then we can go after Google Play and iTunes. I'm sure there are already more apps than anyone can use in a lifetime. Tell the lame-stream media that we want nothing but re-runs from now on!

There is a significant difference with these services and CC, which I'm sure you're away of but hey, everyone needs to troll and try and pretend to be funny once in a while. Music, videos and similar entities are being released and updated 24/7; the game of online risk is not. There are not new developers, producers and artists constantly promoting themselves and others. Don't be stupid.

bW should get the XML updates going that have been requested for absolutely ages before uploading new maps, but he's too busy with completely pointless updates and screwing paying members out of money and prizes to bother with that. It's like he wants to squeeze every last profitable essence out of the company before ditching it. That's certainly the impression I'm getting from our current owner. Some of the maps we have look absolutely horrendous, although I'm aware that I'm more critical in this aspect as I do graphic design.

Re: Old Player Who Wants To See This Site Expand.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 11:09 am
by WingCmdr Ginkapo
iAmCaffeine wrote:There are not new developers, producers and artists constantly promoting themselves and others. Don't be stupid.

But there should be.

Re: Old Player Who Wants To See This Site Expand.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 12:05 pm
by Aleena
Played freestyle and it is still a form of turn based just the turn order is whom ever moves first..
But freestyle is a closer step to these time moves and is a little better then the basic turn moves in my opinion.

Not saying turn based or freestyle is bad, but these timer moves are in my opinion an option the designers should have here and it does allow for a more fluid play...

Currently I'm in a game with eight players.
Each player has up to 24 hours to make their move.
That means I have after placing my move 1 to 8 days before I have to place my next move.
Which is ok, except that if I wait the 6 or 8 days to check board for I know it might take that long;
I might of lost my turn due to everyone else logging in quickly this time.
So one is forced to check their board every day up to 8 times in 8 days just to see that they can not do anything.

Freestyle does address this issue and fixes it to a degree

These time moves are done as followed.
You log in any time that fits your schedule.
You place your command orders such as wanting troops from area "X" to attack area "Y"
A line is drawn (like a fuse)
Base on the distance will determine how long it will take the troops to move from "X" to "Y"
Let's say that it will take 24 hours.
I know that I can now log in 24 hours from now and make more moves and adjustments no matter what the other, players are doing.
In fact I could log in earlier and even cancel this movement(or redirect it), asking the troops to return to area "X"(or target different adjacent area) instead of attacking "Y" after all.(which freestyle does not allow)

This opens up the freedom to log in and make moves and adjustments when ever it is convenient to ones own schedule instead of waiting on others to make their moves.

Again I feel the future is really in these moves with timers.

It will in the very least open up a new tool for the designers and broaden the audience (to those casual players whom do not like turn based)which in return statistically could bring in more money

Not sure how long someone needs to abandon a site before they are considered an old player
But trust me I was thinking not to even bother coming back which would classify me as an old player.
Except that this site does offer this one unique feature of player design which is the only reason I attempted to return and see how far this site has progressed in the past year or so.


This Timer for moves is a small part of my initial post.

Primarily this is a post about making designers more welcome to build, maps and allowing the community to play more of a rule in weather or not the design is good instead of limiting it to one opinionated mod who does not have the ability or time to promptly review progress and give more constructive feed back

I might not be a dedicated player as you benga
not all people will be.

But does this site want to pull in a larger crowd?
Or am I wasting my time and this site is content pleasing only the few in the scope of things.

with this new beta site I was told about it seems to me that maybe they do want to grow

Starting to feel I'm not wanted here...........You know I had the same feeling over a year ago...

Re: Old Player Who Wants To See This Site Expand.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 12:13 pm
by Aleena
12:10:06 ‹Swifte› there's not much to say Aleena. the foundry has effectively been shut down, so no, mapmaker's won't get a bone. same with modifying / rewriting the game engine. nothing like that's being done or will be done.

12:11:36 ‹Aleena›

12:11:58 ‹Swifte› i think people have lots of good ideas, not saying yours aren't good too - but everything falls on deaf ears around here these days


Re: Old Player Who Wants To See This Site Expand.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 12:13 pm
by WingCmdr Ginkapo
Why not just enable email notifications?

Re: Old Player Who Wants To See This Site Expand.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 12:34 pm
by Dukasaur
Aleena wrote:But to allow a mid range section maybe to allow players to openly build, test and redesign the maps as they go.

That actually is the current strategy. The old foundry is dead. New mapmakers are encouraged to make a working prototype of their map and get it up on the Beta site for play-testing. If you want to revive your map, I think this would be the way to go.

Aleena wrote:And maybe a community grading on the maps by each player as they play the new version of the map for the first time.

That would be great, but probably not on the horizon any time soon. Anyway, we can dream...:)

But yeah, in summary, if you can revive your map and get it into Beta play quickly, that would be great!

Definitely reducing production time for new content is a good idea. After a while even the best map gets booooring. Having new maps on a regular basis was a big part of what kept people coming back here.

Re: Old Player Who Wants To See This Site Expand.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 12:41 pm
by degaston
iAmCaffeine wrote:There is a significant difference with these services and CC, which I'm sure you're away of...

The point is: new content does not drive people away, it is what keeps them coming back. Without it, people get bored and leave. A poor interface that doesn't help people find what they are interested in, like we have with the current "map browser", will drive them away.

Who would go back to if you couldn't search, sort, filter, and view ratings of their products?

iAmCaffeine wrote:but hey, everyone needs to troll and try and pretend to be funny once in a while.

Pretend? Somebody thought it was funny.

Re: Old Player Who Wants To See This Site Expand.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 2:24 pm
by iAmCaffeine
degaston wrote:The point is: new content does not drive people away, it is what keeps them coming back. Without it, people get bored and leave. A poor interface that doesn't help people find what they are interested in, like we have with the current "map browser", will drive them away.

I agree, but before more horrendous maps are pushed through the foundry quicker than Usain Bolt runs half a metre there should be XML updates implemented that more great maps can be published, like Kabanellas' which has been sitting around gathering dust for far too long. This would allow a much greater variety of maps to be created, which is what the foundry is currently asking for.

Furthermore, the new content we're currently getting is pointless. The mini games do not attract new players because they don't know and nor would they expect, to be able to play backgammon on an online risk site, or any internet strategy game.

degaston wrote:Who would go back to if you couldn't search, sort, filter, and view ratings of their products?

I personally don't buy anything from Amazon, but I see your point. The difference between rating a product you've used and bought compared to rating a map you've played is that, with the latter, personal preference plays a much larger role.

degaston wrote:Pretend? Somebody thought it was funny.

IcePack doesn't count.

Re: Old Player Who Wants To See This Site Expand.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 8:21 am
by Robespierre__

You are both welcome, and we are happy to have you back. I hope you start playing more games too since mapmaking is served well by being very familiar with game play. For some strange reason, some of the most jaded people about CC end up being the ones that post the most in the forums.


Re: Old Player Who Wants To See This Site Expand.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:41 pm
by 2dimes
Aleena wrote:Starting to feel I'm not wanted here...........You know I had the same feeling over a year ago...

Maybe you need to change your avatar. That picture looks like a drawing. They hate that sort of thing around here.