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Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 7:55 pm
by thyhammer
Join many years a go then stop .. not sure why. Then one day I got a newsletter and started playing regularly. As I am retired so I check the site many times a day to see if my turn is up. I enjoy the classic and the world 2.1 .Going to start getting adventures with other maps soon to see what is like able. Hope to get more involved so I have decided to try out being in a clan. Hope to hear back from you soon

Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 6:50 pm
by elfish_lad
~digital screeching~

We're sorry. The number you have dialled is no longer in service. Please hang up and try your call again.

The Elf.

Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 8:47 pm
by Swimmerdude99
Wait, did you just reverse recruit clan members to fit you? Thats new! haha

Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 1:29 pm
by ThatguyPS
Looking to join a solid group of players who are organized and cool. Im active about 4 times a day, im decent at risk. Really I prefer playing games like Total War, Starcraft, Crusader kings 2 etc. But I dont have the time for that in my life right now. Historical maps are my favorite. I really like the trench rule.

If this sounds good hmu. One thing about my playing style is that I like to use the chatroom. Ive carried over habits from playing MMORPG's for so long so im just more inclined to chat.

Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 6:42 pm
by Sunshiner
I'm looking to join an active clan - i have returned from a long hiatus from CC, but will be very active for any wars/tournaments. Generally, I hung around Lieutenant rank while playing. A little rusty now, but I'll be back on the horse soon.

Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 6:56 pm
by IcePack
Welcome back!

Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 2:22 pm
by soave

I am looking to join a clan! I have been playing since 2011. I am part of the Rio Tournament and I used to lead a clan that was made up of my real life friends. The clan no longer exists but I am ready to join a new one! I work with computers and am able to check multiple times a day.

Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 7:58 am
by torres44cm
soave wrote:Hi!

I am looking to join a clan! I have been playing since 2011. I am part of the Rio Tournament and I used to lead a clan that was made up of my real life friends. The clan no longer exists but I am ready to join a new one! I work with computers and am able to check multiple times a day.

Hey there soave, sent you a pm July 3, , and waiting on a response. let me know if your interested., Thanks

Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 5:47 pm
by MGSteve
Too late, tor. Already got him.

Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 10:45 am
by iAmCaffeine
MGSteve wrote:Too late, tor. Already got him.

No you haven't.

Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 10:58 am
by Vid_FISO
soave the popular?

Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 3:26 pm
by chutley
I joined in 2010 and played for several years until taking a bit of a hiatus over the past couple years. Consistently around major level, have been colonel before. Used to be in a clan but that was ages ago.

Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 3:32 pm
by IcePack
chutley wrote:I joined in 2010 and played for several years until taking a bit of a hiatus over the past couple years. Consistently around major level, have been colonel before. Used to be in a clan but that was ages ago.

Welcome back :) OSA is still around if you're interested

Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 5:26 pm
by Leroy Gibbs
If you're perusing the forum for potential new members to join the meat grinder, please consider keeping an eye on my progress, Leroy Gibbs. I am an up and coming player that hopes my character will, over the course of time exhibit a STRONG TEAM PLAYER with a GOOD ATTITUDE, STRONG COMMUNICATION SKILLS, knowledgeable understanding across many maps with various game play settings, an eye for strategic planning and strategy, and a willingness to seek the wisdom of those around me. Hopefully a dash of humor and fun will be had by all. And if I am fortunate enough, I will find a clan that has a self-motivating desire to take in such a player, mold and sculpt me into their ranks.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to playing with/against all of you very soon!

.Leroy Gibbs

Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 11:53 am
by rockfist
You joined over a month ago and have only Bot games played. I would suggest you play against some human opponents if you want to exhibit/develop the skills you aspire to.

Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 7:53 am
by torres44cm
chutley wrote:I joined in 2010 and played for several years until taking a bit of a hiatus over the past couple years. Consistently around major level, have been colonel before. Used to be in a clan but that was ages ago.

SoH is looking to add good team talent to our arsenal, will send you a pm

Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 12:42 am
by SuicidalSnowman
I'm back after taking two years off - had a personal disaster and it really took the life out of games for a bit. Felt myself missing the community here though, so I came back, only to find that almost all of my friends haven't logged on in at least six months.

I'm not sure I'm ready for a full time competitive clan yet, but I would like to get involved in some solid team games with a good group of people. I've participated in a couple clans previously and know how to communicate team games (but I don't skype).

My game calendar is open just send invites if you are interested.

Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 10:57 am
by MGSteve
Coming right up. I'll start with a quads game or 3 if that works for you. Let me know if you have any prefs on maps, settings, etc. And if you want more games, just yell.

Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2016 3:50 pm
by torres44cm
MGSteve wrote:Coming right up. I'll start with a quads game or 3 if that works for you. Let me know if you have any prefs on maps, settings, etc. And if you want more games, just yell.

Hey there MGSteve, your a little late, as I'm already playing some trips with SuicidalSnowman. next time :-)


Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2016 4:14 pm
by iAmCaffeine
If he hasn't joined a clan then nobody is late.

Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2016 1:32 am
by MGSteve
iAm is correct. But it's always fun to battle an old friend be it on the Ladder, a map or shangh... umm, I mean recruiting a new clanmate. Right tor? And the cold one is correct for checking out more than one clan. I like the people in SoH and have known some of them for most of my time here. And I'm confident that after checking out the other fine clans like SoH that he will weigh their qualities and choose the best. And unfortunately for my good friend tor and iAm as well, a smart player like Mr Frosty will put away the hair dryer, take some anti-depressants and choose the best clan. So he'll naturally be in EGAD. :mrgreen:

Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2016 3:14 am
by iAmCaffeine
Not sure why you mentioned my name and unfortunately in the same sentence when Snowman hasn't contacted our clan and nor have we contacted him.

Regardless, I wanted to say something about this kind of attitude displayed by torres. There is no benefit for clan or candidate if you try to restrict their access, and here's why.

    For the candidate, they want to find the best clan for them. This doesn't mean just the highest ranked or most successful clan that will accept them. It means the one where they are most compatible. Of course their gameplay has to be up to standard, but it's also a lot to do with attitude. The candidate needs to be happy with his clanmates, with how things are run within the clan and the overall camaraderie. If the clan has nothing to offer then said candidate will simply stagnate and become restless. This is why a candidate should do their research on many different clans and then contact a few about playing some trial games. Or, alternatively, be willing to accept offers from various clans. If I was a candidate, I would also be wary of clans willing to accept new players without any kind of trial.

    For the clan, why try and call dibs on a candidate? Until you speak to them and play some games together, how can you really know they're beneficial for your clan? You might find their communication is awful, or their strategy is like breaking a brick wall with a spoon. Furthermore, even if they are a good player, their attitude simply may not be compatible with that of the clan, or members within said clan. You can be a great player but if you're stupidly arrogant and think any clan should be begging for you to join, then most will probably tell you to hop off. Clans do not function effectively with internal disputes and upset, fact.

    Furthermore, what kind of impression are you giving to existing and future members of your clan if you try and control what a potential new recruit does? They're not even in your clan and you're telling them not to play games with anyone from any other clan? That won't sit well with the candidate and may make current members of your clan uneasy. Like, is this a dictatorship or what? You need to be open minded about these things and, even if your clan needs fresh blood, not get stuck into the mindset of "they seem like a decent player, I need them on my team".

When Aeternus first formed we had maybe 28-31 members, but after a couple of wars a third were removed. We learned the hard way and have never looked back. I'm not saying anyone in particular is behaving in these ways, but it's a mentality often displayed around the clan scene and one I think is detrimental to just about everybody involved, apart from perhaps other candidates/clans who aren't as narrow minded.

Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2016 3:44 am
by Donelladan
I think you are taking this way too seriously Caff, torres was probably joking.

Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2016 4:28 am
by iAmCaffeine
Donelladan wrote:I think you are taking this way too seriously Caff, torres was probably joking.

Yeah but I wanted to say it anyway, since I see lots of people do this, and players new to the clan scene may find it helpful.

Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2016 7:02 am
by torres44cm
Hey guys, of course I'm joking, and this is intended to be friendly humor towards MGSteve, so no need to get all worked up, of course i have no dibbs, and of course anyone looking to join a clan can and should check out the other clans here on CC. What your missing here caffine, is previously MGSteve made contact here with a player name Soave (looking for a clan to join) and I was also making contact with Soave too, so MGSteve was teasing me that he picked up Soave already. I'm known MGSteve for a long time, so just some friendly recruiting humor. I'm sure when Suicidal reads all this chat he'll see how popular he is.

By the way caffine, nice long post, but your taking my banter with MGSteve too serious.
