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Game page is a disaster on my new iPad

PostPosted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 1:39 pm
by 2dimes
Operating System: OS 14
Browser: safari
Scripts/third party programs used: none

Concise description:
  • map is crowded
  • I would like to move the other things under the map instead of beside it.

  • I think this is on my side but need a helpful suggestion
  • seems like it must be a setting or something wrong in the new safari since my old one works ok

You might want to look into this because if an impatient person who just found the place on a new iPad saw this, it's likely they would just dead beat and find some website or app that works with the thing.

I can just use my old iPad until it dies or I figure out how to adjust the new one.

Re: Game page is a disaster on my new iPad

PostPosted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 2:54 pm
by IcePack
Sounds like you need to turn your panels on and adjust the settings?

Re: Game page is a disaster on my new iPad

PostPosted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 3:17 pm
by 2dimes
Thanks for the vague tip.

Finally figured it out, I had to tap the circle with arrows in it to toggle from side to below the map. I had tried earlier but held my finger on the screen too long so it did something different from usual.

My brain was not fully functional on the weekend.

Re: Game page is a disaster on my new iPad

PostPosted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 10:17 pm
by Dukasaur
2dimes wrote:
My brain was not fully functional on the weekend.

Re: Game page is a disaster on my new iPad

PostPosted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 3:06 am
by 2dimes
Nope. I have not drank that many beers in a single month for years. I have not even indulged in any of that legalized weed, since I'm not allowed by transport Canada, if I'm planning to act as a crew member in an aircraft in the 28 days following that.

Just having one of those flakey weekends plus I was transitioning to a new device.

If you replace this hardware crap faster that me and use their cloud to back the system up you can move the old one over. If you wait too long and only back up to a really old version of iTunes on a really old laptop that you don't use online since windows vista is no longer supported. It won't even recognize the new iPad.

Oh well. I saved the five hundred bucks three or four times not replacing the old cracked screen gen 2 iPad which I'm actually typing on right now. It might crash and lag on most websites but it putters along here quite well.

So for that again, I thank Conquer Club for having a simple enough site to allow for me to use this thing well passed it's expiry.

I am at risk of losing some pictures and videos of going to Hawaii with my children. Should try to move that stuff over maybe.