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Premium for another year.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 2:34 pm
by Arama86n
I almost didn't trust my eyes when I saw my icon in silver. It's been a while.

I once made the pledge to renew premium when trench was announced. I was thrilled that the suggestion that in my mind I'd called "adjacent attacks", and had day-dreamed about, was coming true. This time I'll dedicate my payment to Polymorphic. Another fantastic feature, and another one that had crossed ones mind long before it came into being. That's me fresh out of things to wish for to be honest. Sure they could work on poly to allow us to fill the slots as we will. As in I play three slots, another player plays one, in a poly "quads", but... i can wait for that to happen when they have time.

There is a lot of complaining in this forum on a daily basis, so on this symbolic day of my CC-year, I'd like to take a minute as reflect over how I, as a paying customer, feel.
My CC experience has not declined in any way that I've noticed or been bothered by since I joined this site. As per above, the two day-dreams I've had about sexy settings to be implemented, have been. Sure the Panel Interface could probably use Steve Jobs working on it for a month or so, but no big complaints. I don't miss BOB at all. Besides from a few minor bugs, it's running fine for me. And a rather rudimentary understanding of randomness suffices to satisfy me on the issue of the dice.

The clan scene has become better and better since I joined. And besides the minor inconvenience of never getting a break between Conquorers Cups as a member of a top clan, I can only thank and applaud all those that are making the clan cups/leagues/competitions happen.
Since I joined a clan back in 2010 CC has implemented a change to allow a designated member of a clan create games and issue invites, label said games etc- and that was a huge improvement. I personally am not lacking for anything clan-related, and I simply hope the people in charge lend an ear to the organizers and clan leaders that might have suggestions. I'm sure there are many improvements possible that this simple mind has not thought of.

The only part of my CC experience that has declined is actually this forum. I used to read it and contribute daily a few years back. These days It's so full of whining. Unfortunately not constructive complaints, just the mindless repetitive drone of whining.

Actually I do have a wish that I'd love to dedicate next years payment too: My favorite mapmaker Kabanellas has been unable to complete his newest masterpiece "Age of Buccaneers" because of the lack of some coding feature. I'm not into the technical side of things, but if it's possible, get it done! Having him sitting on the fence instead of cranking out masterpieces like Napoleonic Europe is the worst waste of free labor imaginable.

Thanks to everyone that contributes to keep this place running, and try to improve it.
This paying customer is satisfied, and looks forward to another year.

Re: Premium for another year.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 2:44 pm
by IcePack
Glad to see you back golden :)

Re: Premium for another year.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 2:55 pm
by Swifte
Here's to another year of Arama86n! Cheers! =D>

Re: Premium for another year.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 3:22 pm
by Shannon Apple
You know, it's awesome to see a post like this that is a complete 180 of the usual. Thank you Arama!

Re: Premium for another year.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 4:38 pm
by Agent 86
I applaud this post =D> =D> Owen this thread is not for you!!

Re: Premium for another year.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 4:44 pm
by trinicardinal
Swifte wrote:Here's to another year of Arama86n! Cheers! =D>

I'll second the motion!

Re: Premium for another year.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 10:26 am
by BoganGod
Damn what a congratulatory circle jerk of praise. Paens of gratefully muttered contentment wafting skyward by the power vested in digital coding. Congrats on being positive without holding your hand out asking for a reward. <hoping you were not fishing for some free premium from a positive feedback starved ADMIN Crew/Owner>
Good to see you approaching the 5 year mark, congratulations on maintaining a more mainstream hobby then aural stimulation of large scandinavian herbivores. I here elks are forceful music critics.
Hugs and Kisses kiddo, from your favourite creepy uncle.

Re: Premium for another year.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 10:40 am
by betiko
hehe, well said arama! 1 more year, 1 more year!

Re: Premium for another year.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 1:36 pm
by ChrisPond
funny...the time stamp on this post is directly after he posted in our private clan forum "WARNING!, way too drunk to be taking turns right now".

My only question is if he feels the same way after he has sobered up?

Re: Premium for another year.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 9:18 pm
by TeeGee
Any thoughts on how we can rejuvenate the forums? :)

Re: Premium for another year.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 11:21 pm
by Dukasaur
ChrisPond wrote:funny...the time stamp on this post is directly after he posted in our private clan forum "WARNING!, way too drunk to be taking turns right now".

My only question is if he feels the same way after he has sobered up?

TeeGee wrote:Any thoughts on how we can rejuvenate the forums? :)

Free beer?

Re: Premium for another year.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 12:03 am
by jigger1986
Well said! Nice to read something like this once in a while.