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Request for all stats

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 10:10 am
by general cod
It would be nice to see stats for the other side of the spectrum. Such as most dice fails, worst dice, 2 pair spoils, game turns etc. Medals awarded in the shape if a turd for players who get shit on the most. I fear my home page would look like an overpopulated cow field. :-({|= \:D/ \:D/ ](*,) [-X =D> :mrgreen: :-D

Re: Request for all stats

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 11:01 am
by Dukasaur
I'm sure my yard would look worse than yours.

They call me, "Mr. Two-Pairs." With four cards, the odds of having a set are 73%, but every goddamn time there's killing to do, I'm the 27% sucker sitting there with two pair.

Re: Request for all stats

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2021 3:51 pm
by general cod
I accept that challenge !! They call me Mr Aircraft Hangar due to the space required to house the copius amounts of conquer club droppings bestowed upon me.

Re: Request for all stats

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2021 6:15 pm
by 2dimes
Number of dobles games won.
