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Indigo League Mafia/RPG Final Scene

PostPosted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 11:56 pm
by mandalorian2298
I Am your Mod. Live with it!
This game is moderated by me (Mandalorian) and I am the law. Whatever I say goes. If I make a mistake I’ll blame one of you for it, so let's all hope that the game runs smoothly. :mrgreen: All roles will be given out randomly.

To Quote or not to Quote
If you quote your role, I will neither Mod-Kill you nor particularly care. Someone else probably will, though.

Fine, Can I at least Role-Claim? :roll:
Of course you can. However, all roles will face quick and ignoble death (not Mod-Kill, but “natural” causes :twisted: ) if they claim. So claim away, I double-dare you. :twisted:

Look after your roles, because they can't look out for themselves.
If you forget your role, or you delete it, PM me and I will have a good laugh on account of your missfortune. :twisted:
Unless you're Talapus, because in that case it's probably my fault, somehow. ;)

Blue votes, black death
All ‘votes’ and ‘unvotes’ must be in blue. If they are not, they will not be tallied. (I.E. Vote: Fircoal) I have chose blue for two reasons: 1) I can copy Everywhere's good idea while retaining apearance of originality :oops: and 2) Skoffin has an anoying habit of writing everything in red :roll: .
** If you vote two or more times consecutively without an unvote in between them, then the first vote will be the one that gets tallied. **

Nobody likes a chatty corpse
Once your death scene has been posted, you are dead. You can no longer post anything revealing or of substance. Whining is alright, **Voices from beyond the grave** are alright, as long as nothing of substance is revealed and you it in a moderate amount.

Finally, I HATE when people talk at night. Could one of you mods lock the thread durnig nights, pretty please? [-o<
Oh right, no mods in the game this time. :(
Could one of you get modified? It would really help me out. :mrgreen:

Can't we all just get along :(
Sure, you may vote "no lynch" to end the day without a death.

What goes on in the game, stays in the game
The game will not be discussed outside this thread, unless your role specifically says you may do so. Please respect this rule, because people with whom you have shared info are not eligible to sub. Just do what I do and bore your family and RL friends with your mafia adventures. After all, that's what friends are for. :twisted:

And for those senile among you...
Do not edit/delete previous posts. Whatever you say goes into historical record.

Paint me a picture
Lynch scenes will most likely reflect who voted first, who joined him, who hammered etc. On the other hand, I might totally ignore the voting and let my imagination run wild.
Given the theme, Night kill scenes are going to be partially based on the actual events of the Night. However, I will throw some randomness in, to protect the scum. Also, I may take some poetic license while describing the method of attack, for my own amusement. :mrgreen:

Spamers, beware.
Joking in the thread is fine, but don’t let it get carried away and take over as spam. Especially avoid quotes-in-quotes, because they take up space. I will tolerate quotes-in-quotes if you are discussing the game, BUT if you use them to spam, I might mod-kill you.

Look alive, people
Be attentive and active in the game. If I see you are not posting at all, I will prod all those who are inactive. If there is no timely response, you will be replaced.

In hope of an 80 pages long Day 1...
Each game day will last until one player is lynched, or until a decision to no lynch is reached. There will be no official deadline...unless the game stalls in which case I'm going to impose a deadline. Let it never come to that, cause I hate to impose.

Each game ‘night’ will not last more than 72 hours for you to send the choices + up to 24 hours for me to figure out what the hell really happened and write the Day-scene.

72 hours deadline is hard. HOWEVER, if the Day is coming to a close, and you have big kangaroo hunt planned , for a totally random example :-^ , for the next few days; then you are welcomed to send me your Night choice beforehand, as long as you specify the Night you're talking about (example "Night 2 choice")

If you have any questions about whether you should or shouldn’t do something, or just need some clarification, feel free to PM me. Speaking of which:


1. Each time a pokemon levels up, he or she is completely healed.

2. Leveling and awarding perks after leveling takes place AFTER all the Night's actions have been resolved. So, if you level up, you will be healed after the night ends. If you survive, that is. :twisted:

3. I will send you your Nightly feedbacks, AFTER I post the Day-scene, possibly over a Day or two, depending on how busy I am in RL. The point of this is to save time and shorten the Nights.

The order in which I send feedbacks is going to be serpentine, meaning that on Night 1, dakky receives his feedback (if any), first and Kwanton receives his (if any) last; on the Night 2 Kwanton receives his (if any) first and so forth.

4. TRAINERS: If you are controlling a big pokemon, you may not order it to eat a little pokemon. Let's keep it clean out there. ;)

5. If a pokemon is attacked by the type of pokemon that it is RESISTANT AGAINST, it shall suffer EXACTLY half of opponents Attack worth of damage. NO ROUNDING UP OR DOWN!

If the defending pokemon receives EXP for Defending, it shall receive the amount of Damage that it would have suffered PRIOR to the application of it's RESISTANCE/WEAKNESS.

6. The leveling system and the perks system comes from the twisted mind of mandalorian2298 aka. Mod. Since he knows very little about pokemon (compared with those of you who know waaay too much about pokemon :P ) these are not based on the cannon.

I hope that we all have fun and you don't throw rotten fruit at me when the game ends.

I would like to thank Andy, Everywhere, Aimless and Anarkistsdream either because I have copied their rules or because I have borrowed their ideas.




1. Dakky
2. Mitch

5. BuJaber

9. New guy
10. Nagerus
11. HotShot53
12. Metsfanmax - replaced Aog
13. Samlen

15. legionnare

17. Ragian
18. Strike Wolf

20. Skittles
21. Anarkistsdream

23. The1exile
24. Talapus

26. Kwanton


8. StorrZerg (replacing Marashu) (Voltorb) Level 1 (Electric) Wild Pokemon - MODKILLED Day 1
6. Fircoal (Jessie) (Mafia Charmer) lynched Day 1
3. WingCmdr Ginkapo (REPLACED Sam_levi) (Cubone) Level 1 (Ground) Wild Pokemon killed Night 1
14. Skoffin (Meowth)(Mafia's Pokemon) Lvl.2 (Normal Pokemon) killed Night 1
4. Tim (Vulpix) Level 1 (Fire) Wild Pokemon killed Night 1
19. Minister MasketAsh Ketchum (Pokemon Trainer) killed Night 1
22. The Weird One(Ash's Pikachu) Level 1 (Electric Pokemon) killed Night 1
25. Serbia(Charmander) Level 1 (Fire) Wild Pokemon killed Night 1
16. Aage (replaces Spurgistan) (Geodude) Level 1 (Ground) Wild Pokemon killed Night 1
7. DoomYoshi MewTwo (Mysterious Rogue Pokemon) Level 4 (Psychic) lynched Day 2.






The game is going to be very non-standard, but I'll do my darndest to make it balanced, playable and fun or, failing that, to find someone else to blame for it not being balanced, playable and fun.


1. This game is going to be a Mafia/RPG hybrid.

2. Due to the game mechanics and the WCs, Role-claiming is going to be suicidal for almost all the players in almost every situation. Anyone role-claiming is either lying or trying to lose. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! :twisted:

3. No, or almost no (I'm still working on figuring out playable alternatives for the last two roles), "classic" Mafia powers are going to feature in this game.

4. But there WILL be more violence. :mrgreen:

5. On the balance side of things: THIS GAME IS GOING TO BE HARD TO WIN FOR EVERYONE. I'm still fiddling with the balance, but I can promise you that no one will be able to coast to victory in this one without a stupid amount of luck.

6. However, that doesn't mean that it will be hard to play. Also, it will be fair kind of hard. What I'm going for is a Dark Souls sort of experience. Sweat, blood and tears for everyone! :D

Re: Pokemon: Indigo League Mafia - Sign-up

PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 3:36 am
by dakky21
In and expect to have me lynched first. Damn, I already claim I'm scum.

Re: Pokemon: Indigo League Mafia - Sign-up

PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 4:08 am
by madmitch
in and I will lead the lynch :lol:

Re: Pokemon: Indigo League Mafia - Sign-up

PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 10:32 am
by sam_levi_11
Why the hell not, in.

Re: Pokemon: Indigo League Mafia - Sign-up

PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 11:02 am
by TimWoodbury
in and ill be ghe hammer on u dakk

Re: Pokemon: Indigo League Mafia - Sign-up

PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 1:30 pm
by BuJaber
I see 3 addicts signed up already... Add me too please :P

Just to be different I'll choose to defend dakky and get lynched 2nd.

Re: Pokemon: Indigo League Mafia - Sign-up

PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 1:59 pm
by Fircoal
mandalorian2298 wrote:This game will NOT start untill Rish's Wheel of Time game finishes. The only reason I created this thread so soon is so that some people, who are in the game mood now can get roped in before the mood passes.

You know who you are. :twisted:

I indeed know who I am.


Also 5th Gen > 1st Gen :P

Re: Pokemon: Indigo League Mafia - Sign-up

PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 1:59 pm
by Fircoal
Fircoal wrote:
mandalorian2298 wrote:This game will NOT start untill Rish's Wheel of Time game finishes. The only reason I created this thread so soon is so that some people, who are in the game mood now can get roped in before the mood passes.

You know who you are. :twisted:

I indeed know who I am.


Also 5th Gen > 1st Gen :P

Oh look it my avatar is 5th gen Pokemon too! I didn't plan that but it works!

Re: Pokemon: Indigo League Mafia - Sign-up

PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 2:19 pm
by DoomYoshi
Do Pokemon inherently know which generation they are?

I wonder how aware the Pokemon are of their own paths. In Gen 1 nobody knew about Pichu but maybe the Pikachus and Raichus did?

Or maybe Nintendo is lying to us and there is no such thing as Pikachu at all?!?!?

Re: Pokemon: Indigo League Mafia - Sign-up

PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 3:46 pm
by mandalorian2298
Thank you for joining guys.

@Dakky, if you want, maybe I can wait and send you your role at the beginning of Night 1 to save you from claiming too early. :P

@Fircoal My guiding thought was that at least I know something about the 1st generation. Ok, I didn't know that they were officially called 1st Generation but I know the guy who's dad voiced Meowth so I feel that gives me real life experience with 1st generation pokemons making me kind of an expert on them. 8-)

@DYoshi Don't spend too much time thinking how Pokemon would function in RL. That sort of thinking can lead to dark places.

Re: Pokemon: Indigo League Mafia - Sign-up

PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 5:14 pm
by dakky21
mandalorian2298 wrote:@Dakky, if you want, maybe I can wait and send you your role at the beginning of Night 1 to save you from claiming too early. :P

Actually that wouldn't be productive as I'd probably claim unaligned and get a status of a cult leader leading to the D1 lynch anyway. I should be bulletproof and lynchproof D1 in order to survive and enter a game D2. That could work.

Re: Pokemon: Indigo League Mafia - Sign-up

PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 6:12 pm
by Marashu
This sounds fun. Count me in.

Re: Pokemon: Indigo League Mafia - Sign-up

PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 8:52 pm
by new guy1
If you'll have me, then count me in.

Re: Pokemon: Indigo League Mafia - Sign-up

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 6:25 pm
by nagerous
Yep sign me up.

Fircoal any chance of getting in contact with Frenchie chan so he can join if he is not too mad at me because my country voted BREXIT?

That is interesting about meowth as there is a running joke in the home at the moment in regards to the voice acting, may not be able to post here as I have forgotten the rules here and dont want to be instantly banned.

Re: Pokemon: Indigo League Mafia - Sign-up

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 6:27 am
by TimWoodbury
at this rate rishes game wont end for a year

Re: Pokemon: Indigo League Mafia - Sign-up

PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 11:14 am
by mandalorian2298
Welcome back, Nag! :)

@Tim That's OK, my tablet is still being repaired (supposedly) and I would much prefer it be back before the game starts.

Re: Pokemon: Indigo League Mafia - Sign-up

PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 11:32 am
by mandalorian2298
nagerous wrote:Yep sign me up.

Fircoal any chance of getting in contact with Frenchie chan so he can join if he is not too mad at me because my country voted BREXIT?

That is interesting about meowth as there is a running joke in the home at the moment in regards to the voice acting, may not be able to post here as I have forgotten the rules here and dont want to be instantly banned.

As far as I could follow their trail Frenchi chan and Madam Frenchie dissapeared after the Whitechappel game. :(

Re: Pokemon: Indigo League Mafia - Sign-up

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 4:07 pm
by nagerous
I will try and see if I can contact him !

Re: Pokemon: Indigo League Mafia - Sign-up

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 4:20 pm
by Fircoal
nagerous wrote:Yep sign me up.

Fircoal any chance of getting in contact with Frenchie chan so he can join if he is not too mad at me because my country voted BREXIT?

That is interesting about meowth as there is a running joke in the home at the moment in regards to the voice acting, may not be able to post here as I have forgotten the rules here and dont want to be instantly banned.

Sadly I haven't talked to Frenchie-chan in a while. I don't know where to contact him either sadly.
Why did MSN have to dieeeeeeee? ;A;

Re: Pokemon: Indigo League Mafia - Sign-up

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 5:04 pm
by HotShot53
Now that my busy season is over, I can safely join here :)

Re: Pokemon: Indigo League Mafia - Sign-up

PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 1:04 pm
by mandalorian2298
Welcom Hotshot.

Any luck with Frenchie, Nag?

Re: Pokemon: Indigo League Mafia - Sign-up

PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 1:47 pm
by Army of GOD
I would like to join your fine game

Re: Pokemon: Indigo League Mafia - Sign-up

PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 8:57 pm
by nagerous
mandalorian2298 wrote:Welcom Hotshot.

Any luck with Frenchie, Nag?

No luck so far

Re: Pokemon: Indigo League Mafia - Sign-up

PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 9:05 am
by mandalorian2298

Welcom AoG :D and AoG's sig that promotes violence toward Psyducks. :x