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Re: What is the peak price bitcoin will reach in 2021

PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2021 9:06 pm
by mookiemcgee
saxitoxin wrote:
mookiemcgee wrote:
saxitoxin wrote:
mookiemcgee wrote:
saxitoxin wrote:
saxitoxin wrote:Tell me how Helium works. I looked at the website but it's too much to read.

Wait, nevermind, I just watched a video. Should I do it?

EDIT: I couldn't wait for mookie to get off his ass to serve as my personal help desk. So, I just ordered the Bobcat but it says it will take at least three months! I tried signing up for the Emrit in the meantime.

Yeah I ordered some nebra devices the first week of april, they keep pushing the shipping date back and now it says July. But this one wasn't really meant to be a quick buck... plug it in, leave it for 3 years then start maybe selling the rewards for fiat during the next bull run (which will probably start in 3 years, and climax in 4-4.5 years)

Should I get multiples? I feel like I want to try one to see how it works, and then get a few more and place them around the city. However, with the lag times to order fulfillment that sounds like a losing strategy.

I would start with one. Befriending some spray paint artist that like to prowl big cities at night in high elevation locations makes them perfect scouts for your next round of purchases!

I can get a dedicated desk next to a window on the second floor of several coworking spaces here for like $300/month. If I rented like 4-5 of those around town I could just leave a Bobcat at each one and anchor it there with a bicycle lock to the desk. Do you think that's a good idea?


Re: What is the peak price bitcoin will reach in 2021

PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2021 9:09 pm
by mookiemcgee
saxitoxin wrote:
mookiemcgee wrote:
saxitoxin wrote:I was thinking of starting a crypto linked to real assets of human trafficking. I think this would be a stable coin. The thing is, the longer you hold it, the more it decreases in value as the humans tend to use up their productivity within a few years. So it would really be a get in/get out buy/sell approach. I think this could be a niche and profitable crypto market. I've dabbled a bit in human trafficking but I'm not an expert; mostly just staking some small-time smugglers running the Laos-to-Macau-to-Dubai route.

Another idea for a stable coin I had is linked to endangered species. Because the number of these is finite and known you could realize rapid returns through periodic culls of the animals. For example, there are something like 65,000 orangutans in the wild. If you culled 6500 you'd essentially increase the price of the coin by 10%. A consistent cull over a period of 10-20 years would realize exponential profits until the population reached four or five orangutans.

Hmmm, I think I'm only an investor in the second idea. Hyper-deflationary tokens like that totes give me a hard-on.

Actually, that was a thought experiment, but what if I started Apecoin which was mined by species propagation among Eastern Gorillas? There would initially be 2600 Apecoin - equal to the IUCN census of Eastern Gorilla - and one new Apecoin would be mined and split among all current Apecoin holders through a smart contract executed each time IUCN updated its census in relation to the increases in Eastern Gorilla population (e.g. if the census increased by 10 Eastern Gorilla, 10 new Apecoin would be mined). As the value of Apecoin increased, and holding Apecoin became more lucrative, it would incentivize Apecoin holders to make investments into Eastern Gorilla habitat and preservation in order to generate new coins. That way we'd also get a bunch of fancy neoliberals to also buy Apecoin because they'd be making money while helping the environment. Do you think that would work? Would you buy Apecoin?

If 2600 coin were too little, we could do Ecocoin which is linked to world forest acreage. There would initially be 4.06 billion Ecocoins and one Ecocoin would be mined or destroyed with each new hectare of forest created or destroyed, executed by smart contract linked to the FAO's current world forest estimate ( Increases and decreases in coin circulation would be borne by current coin holders in proportion to their holdings. As the price of Ecocoin increased that would also serve as a bellwether for REITs because it would portend increases in property values for commercial and residential real estate holdings due to decreases in buildable land.

Hmmm... The more I think about it there are already like 500 coins with Gorilla/Ape/Banana in the name... it's gonna hard to gain traction. Charity coins are also very popular right now, so the Ecocoin could work but you gotta make sure it's understood you are PRO deforestation or you risk getting lost.

Re: What is the peak price bitcoin will reach in 2021

PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2021 9:14 pm
by mookiemcgee
Swimmerdude99 wrote:
saxitoxin wrote:
mookiemcgee wrote:
saxitoxin wrote:mookie ... are you buying Cardano? I just got SOME but I'm not going all-in

I have 'some' as well... are you holding it on an exchange (like coinbase or binance) or in a cardano wallet?

If in cardano wallet, you should consider 'staking' it... especially if you just plan on sitting on it a long while. You will get paid more cardano over time doing this, but there is an inital cost (paid in cardano) for staking it.

If you just want to hold it short term and try and flip it for quick profit, don't bother with staking it

I have a friend (old and rich guy) who bought $1,000,000 worth of cardano in 2018 at $.10, he sold it about a month ago at $1.40 (for $14,000,000). He just bought a house in Nevada and moved there (from our state) to save on income tax hahaha.

I feel like the next things to really explode are matic (polygon) though it might be a little late now as it's been exploding for a month or so, and Kusama & Polkadot are really priming for takeoff

I just have it in Coinbase.

My friend's aunt started a software company and had piles of cash and did the same thing, where she moved to Nevada for six months and one day of the year to escape the franchise tax. I don't understand why people who have the kind-of money to have a tax shelter home decide to get it on a nuclear bomb test site. Anyway, my friend basically lived in her big house in Daly City for six months of the year while she was in Nevada.

Right now I'm 50% Bitcoin, 25% Ethereum, 15% Cardano and 10% USD Coin.

What should I buy if I want a 75% probability of a 4X return within two years?

I can't ever tell which one of the regular contributing forum guys are trolling and which ones are serious. But if you are actually looking for what someone else might be doing, I am happy to share what I'm doing, but by no means will you find an answer to your very specific question except the one you feel most confident in.

I pulled out. I'm waiting for the crash and will invest as it goes down (well I think anyways). And my plan is to end up reinvested 50% eth, 25% link and the rest spread around a bit in DOT, Cardano and possibly some other shitcoins.

I think BTC is just about dead for growth. I moved all mine over beginning of this year due to Eth 2.0. Thought that before this bullrun. I really do not think it reliably goes above 100k myself. I voted 75k here thinking the upper limit this year was 70k, but doesn't look like it will make it there.

Saxi... looking at todays' price movements I now advise you to ignore me and listen to Swimmer!

Re: What is the peak price bitcoin will reach in 2021

PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2021 9:18 pm
by HitRed

Re: What is the peak price bitcoin will reach in 2021

PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2021 10:32 pm
by saxitoxin
mookiemcgee wrote:


Are you saying ...


... or are you saying ...

" :roll: BULLETPROOF IDEA :roll: "?

Re: What is the peak price bitcoin will reach in 2021

PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2021 11:27 pm
by HitRed
Bitcoin -10%

Re: What is the peak price bitcoin will reach in 2021

PostPosted: Mon May 17, 2021 2:21 am
by saxitoxin
mookiemcgee wrote:
Swimmerdude99 wrote:
saxitoxin wrote:
mookiemcgee wrote:
saxitoxin wrote:mookie ... are you buying Cardano? I just got SOME but I'm not going all-in

I have 'some' as well... are you holding it on an exchange (like coinbase or binance) or in a cardano wallet?

If in cardano wallet, you should consider 'staking' it... especially if you just plan on sitting on it a long while. You will get paid more cardano over time doing this, but there is an inital cost (paid in cardano) for staking it.

If you just want to hold it short term and try and flip it for quick profit, don't bother with staking it

I have a friend (old and rich guy) who bought $1,000,000 worth of cardano in 2018 at $.10, he sold it about a month ago at $1.40 (for $14,000,000). He just bought a house in Nevada and moved there (from our state) to save on income tax hahaha.

I feel like the next things to really explode are matic (polygon) though it might be a little late now as it's been exploding for a month or so, and Kusama & Polkadot are really priming for takeoff

I just have it in Coinbase.

My friend's aunt started a software company and had piles of cash and did the same thing, where she moved to Nevada for six months and one day of the year to escape the franchise tax. I don't understand why people who have the kind-of money to have a tax shelter home decide to get it on a nuclear bomb test site. Anyway, my friend basically lived in her big house in Daly City for six months of the year while she was in Nevada.

Right now I'm 50% Bitcoin, 25% Ethereum, 15% Cardano and 10% USD Coin.

What should I buy if I want a 75% probability of a 4X return within two years?

I can't ever tell which one of the regular contributing forum guys are trolling and which ones are serious. But if you are actually looking for what someone else might be doing, I am happy to share what I'm doing, but by no means will you find an answer to your very specific question except the one you feel most confident in.

I pulled out. I'm waiting for the crash and will invest as it goes down (well I think anyways). And my plan is to end up reinvested 50% eth, 25% link and the rest spread around a bit in DOT, Cardano and possibly some other shitcoins.

I think BTC is just about dead for growth. I moved all mine over beginning of this year due to Eth 2.0. Thought that before this bullrun. I really do not think it reliably goes above 100k myself. I voted 75k here thinking the upper limit this year was 70k, but doesn't look like it will make it there.

Saxi... looking at todays' price movements I now advise you to ignore me and listen to Swimmer!

I'm gonna ride the tiger.

Re: What is the peak price bitcoin will reach in 2021

PostPosted: Mon May 17, 2021 3:27 am
by Dukasaur
saxitoxin wrote:
I'm gonna ride the tiger.

Please spare us your sexual fantasies.

Re: What is the peak price bitcoin will reach in 2021

PostPosted: Mon May 17, 2021 6:27 am
by HitRed
I recall the use of Celtic Tiger. In real terms it means bubble.

"Celtic Tiger" is a term referring to the economy of the Republic of Ireland from the mid-1990s to the late 2000s, a period of rapid real economic growth fueled by foreign direct investment. The boom was dampened by a subsequent property bubble which resulted in a severe economic downturn.

Tiger Economy

Re: What is the peak price bitcoin will reach in 2021

PostPosted: Mon May 17, 2021 11:30 am
by mookiemcgee
HitRed wrote:Bitcoin -10%

Yes things go up and down... still up 25% since Jan 1st, and the price one year ago was $9670.56.