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Re: The USA Left led Military ,worst Defeat/blunder in 200 y

PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2021 12:16 am
by jusplay4fun
riskllama wrote:
ConfederateSS wrote:
jusplay4fun wrote:ConfederateSS on Fri Sep 10, 2021 7:24 pm
--------To break up these Strong family valued Communities...The DEMOCRATS DNC...Push for integrating the Southern schools....

ConfSS, Please give evidence to support your theory or your claim.

------It is Historical Fact...As I wrote in my Thread...3rd trick of the DEMOCRATS...But if you want proof....Civil Rights Leader from Philly...Founder of The Woodson Center....Robert L. Woodson....He has written many books.... Including How successful Blacks were at the turn of the Century....How Blacks out scored Whites throughout the South between the 1920's ---1940's...The Fall of The Father Figure in the Black Household,thanks to Free money in the 1960' single mothers...... O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:)
-----Your Father taught you about Respect,as mine....But My Father taught me...No matter how good you are at something...There is always someone out there ,better than you...To keep me down to to speak... Don't get to high on your horse...

inbreeding, natch.

that is NOT what I asked proof for, ConfSS.....I am sure Black Families were strong back then. BUT the DNC tried to break that up? Show us the Proof.

Re: The USA Left led Military ,worst Defeat/blunder in 200 y

PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2021 4:15 am
by ConfederateSS
jusplay4fun wrote:
riskllama wrote:
ConfederateSS wrote:
jusplay4fun wrote:ConfederateSS on Fri Sep 10, 2021 7:24 pm
--------To break up these Strong family valued Communities...The DEMOCRATS DNC...Push for integrating the Southern schools....

ConfSS, Please give evidence to support your theory or your claim.

------It is Historical Fact...As I wrote in my Thread...3rd trick of the DEMOCRATS...But if you want proof....Civil Rights Leader from Philly...Founder of The Woodson Center....Robert L. Woodson....He has written many books.... Including How successful Blacks were at the turn of the Century....How Blacks out scored Whites throughout the South between the 1920's ---1940's...The Fall of The Father Figure in the Black Household,thanks to Free money in the 1960' single mothers...... O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:)
-----Your Father taught you about Respect,as mine....But My Father taught me...No matter how good you are at something...There is always someone out there ,better than you...To keep me down to to speak... Don't get to high on your horse...

inbreeding, natch.

that is NOT what I asked proof for, ConfSS.....I am sure Black Families were strong back then. BUT the DNC tried to break that up. Show us the Proof.

-------Is The DNC not in charge of The Democratic Party....Whose members past laws,bills...In The 1960's whose soul purpose...Was to break up the Strong Black Family/Family values....To take the Father out of the picture...To Hold on to the Black Vote...As they got the help of Marxist activists... Ideology...The beginning of the Strong Left wing of the Democratic Party....It sure as Hell wasn't Republicans handing out free money ,to women having kids without a Father figure...In the 1960's....Mr. Woodson can explain better.... Research Mr. Woodson.... O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:)
------He also shows how The Democrats...The Democratic Party was scared of those Strong Black Communities in the South...Used Integration to break up what success Blacks had going...How many people know Blacks were out scoring Whites throughout the South...Black Schools vs White Schools...As the Republican Party was growing stronger in The South...A Threat to The Democratic Party holding on to power...Now the Democratic Party uses Identity Hold onto the African American Vote,Hold onto Power...Once again...Mr.Woodson can explain and prove it better...

Re: The USA Left led Military ,worst Defeat/blunder in 200 y

PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2021 5:50 am
by ConfederateSS
----------Like Generations of Americans before them. Blacks placed Great Hope in education. In the face of economic uncertainty ,they were willing to make sacrifices to ensure that children had schools to go to. The 4,977 Rosenwald schools for African American children built across The South between 1913--1932 were the result of a remarkable 3-way public ,private partnership conceived by Booker T. Washington...
----------Money provided by public school system, grants from the president of Sears and Roebuck, Julius Rosenwald and company,and contributions from local Communities ,from African American men and women,who gave more to the creation of the schools than their wealthy benefactor. African American children in the South were being educated in Rosenwald schools.
---------Once Segregation ended, usually these wooden structures ,were discarded, as no longer needed. A few continued as schools,some passed into private hands, became houses or barns. Others were torn down. Many were in such remote locations , that no one knew what happened to them.
---------"Woodson ", I came across o text book from 1920...While visiting one of these schools...I began to understand the loss experienced in the Black Community, as the country lurched from mandated separation to enforced Integration. In the face of exclusion and hostility, African Americans had built up Magnificent institutions --- schools, colleges, businesses, churches...Not all of these would survive...There would be loss and pain in the African American Community...
-------There was a report/study done on the Rosenwald Schools and others -- vs-- White Schools in The South...That shows the African Americans well out scored the White Schools...I look for the name,I can't think of it...I think the name of the report starts with the letter L ...Robert Woodson speaks of it often... I'll go through some of Mr.Woodson's speeches,when I have time...Others are welcome to listen to Mr. Woodson's Speeches at there leisure...I recommend them... :D 8-)
....Or read some of his books.... O:) ConfederateSS.out!( The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:)

Re: The USA Left led Military ,worst Defeat/blunder in 200 y

PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2021 6:33 am
by jusplay4fun
ConfederateSS wrote:
jusplay4fun wrote:
riskllama wrote:
ConfederateSS wrote:
jusplay4fun wrote:ConfederateSS on Fri Sep 10, 2021 7:24 pm
--------To break up these Strong family valued Communities...The DEMOCRATS DNC...Push for integrating the Southern schools....

ConfSS, Please give evidence to support your theory or your claim.

------It is Historical Fact...As I wrote in my Thread...3rd trick of the DEMOCRATS...But if you want proof....Civil Rights Leader from Philly...Founder of The Woodson Center....Robert L. Woodson....He has written many books.... Including How successful Blacks were at the turn of the Century....How Blacks out scored Whites throughout the South between the 1920's ---1940's...The Fall of The Father Figure in the Black Household,thanks to Free money in the 1960' single mothers...... O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:)
-----Your Father taught you about Respect,as mine....But My Father taught me...No matter how good you are at something...There is always someone out there ,better than you...To keep me down to to speak... Don't get to high on your horse...

inbreeding, natch.

that is NOT what I asked proof for, ConfSS.....I am sure Black Families were strong back then. BUT the DNC tried to break that up. Show us the Proof.

-------Is The DNC not in charge of The Democratic Party....Whose members past laws,bills...In The 1960's whose soul purpose...Was to break up the Strong Black Family/Family values....To take the Father out of the picture...To Hold on to the Black Vote...As they got the help of Marxist activists... Ideology...The beginning of the Strong Left wing of the Democratic Party....It sure as Hell wasn't Republicans handing out free money ,to women having kids without a Father figure...In the 1960's....Mr. Woodson can explain better.... Research Mr. Woodson.... O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:)
------He also shows how The Democrats...The Democratic Party was scared of those Strong Black Communities in the South...Used Integration to break up what success Blacks had going...How many people know Blacks were out scoring Whites throughout the South...Black Schools vs White Schools...As the Republican Party was growing stronger in The South...A Threat to The Democratic Party holding on to power...Now the Democratic Party uses Identity Hold onto the African American Vote,Hold onto Power...Once again...Mr.Woodson can explain and prove it better...

Is The DNC not in charge of The Democratic Party....Whose members past laws,bills...In The 1960's whose soul purpose...Was to break up the Strong Black Family/Family values

You try to connect the dots and, though PLAUSIBLE, your "proof" is mere speculation of the actual link of DNC to break up the Strong Black Family/Family values. The sole purpose of the laws pass was NOT as you allege. Now I will concede that the break-up of families is UTLIMATELY and in the END tied to welfare the Democrats passed, mainly in the form of AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent Children. But you do not offer any proof that such a result was the INTENT of law makers (US Congress and President LBJ). Speculation of INTENT is easy; proof of such is much more tenuous and yours is diaphanous.

Re: The USA Left led Military ,worst Defeat/blunder in 200 y

PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2021 9:37 am
by Dukasaur
ConfederateSS wrote:In The 1960's whose soul purpose...Was to break up the Strong Black Family/Family values....

This is the part you continue to assert without a shred of evidence.

Re: The USA Left led Military ,worst Defeat/blunder in 200 y

PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2021 10:08 am
by ConfederateSS
------The Democrats took the Marxist play book...In the 1960's....One of the main plans in the play book ...To break up the traditional family...The Democrats used this strategy....Against the poor African American hold onto their vote...Sure there were single mothers of all types....But they targeted ,African American Fathers...made it seem ,better to the poor African American women,to not need a man...Today,members of the Democratic Party...have taken the play book even farther....Banning ,family nouns in the House of Rep...Mother,Father,Son,Daughter...Endorsing,women to be refered to as birthing people...As the try to erase the traditional family ,in ever sector of America....Now Mr. Woodson can talk about the 1960's....But it is one of their tricks to hold onto Power.....Race,another one...Busting up the African American Republican Communities,and now Identity Politics since break all of America up,to be dependent on The Government run by Democrats...Hold onto Power., for themselves,not all America...
--------Wake up,look at those bills passed in the 1960's who,do you think would have taken the easy money....The Poor in the African American communities....Wake up.... History is the proof...but once again, Mr. Woodson can tell it better,as with the schools,I will look into the proof he provides when I get a chance....But it is the gist of what I have said....Wake up,and look at the Marxist ways...The Democratic Party has used in The 1960's...To the next level in the 21st cen...2021...They,members...even post the Play Books on the own web pages...The Squad etc..,other Left radical leaders...they don't even try and hide the fact of tricking people anymore...As long as people keep voting Democrat..why should they...They are getting to Confident ,that nothing could ever stop them...
... O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:) ....More proof...look at America's inner cities...The proof is in the pudding...Pretty much all the proof you need....

Re: The USA Left led Military ,worst Defeat/blunder in 200 y

PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2021 10:40 am
by Dukasaur
ConfederateSS wrote:More proof...look at America's inner cities...The proof is in the pudding...

What do you think that proves? The rich have moved out to playgrounds in the suburbs. They've utterly abandoned the inner cities to the poor. Of course people with no money can't support the needs of great cities, and those cities decay.

80% of the people who take advantage of (very expensive) urban highways live outside of the city limits and don't have to pay taxes to keep up those highways. They don't contribute to policing them, or to providing fire protection, or anything else. Then they have the fucking gall to point fingers at the poor people left behind holding the bag.

Re: The USA Left led Military ,worst Defeat/blunder in 200 y

PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2021 11:03 am
by KoolBak
Interesting post DoD. I can literally see this in my mind. My folks did it early when I was a kid. The boonies where I grew up? Now covered with mansions, not farms

Re: The USA Left led Military ,worst Defeat/blunder in 200 y

PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2021 1:10 pm
by riskllama
if he knows it in his heart or saw it on the tv, then it must be true to him, i guess... :?

Re: The USA Left led Military ,worst Defeat/blunder in 200 y

PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2021 10:17 pm
by riskllama
jusplay4fun wrote:The KKK lynched black men WAY TOO often during this time period.

ooc, am wondering how often is "way too often" for you, jp? one a week? one every other week? once a month? biannually? maybe do one up real good every year and make it into some type of event where folks get charged admission? what is an acceptable frequency for lynching black men to you?

Re: The USA Left led Military ,worst Defeat/blunder in 200 y

PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2021 10:22 pm
by KoolBak
Oh snap

Re: The USA Left led Military ,worst Defeat/blunder in 200 y

PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2021 10:36 pm
by jusplay4fun
riskllama wrote:
jusplay4fun wrote:The KKK lynched black men WAY TOO often during this time period.

ooc, am wondering how often is "way too often" for you, jp? one a week? one every other week? once a month? biannually? maybe do one up real good every year and make it into some type of event where folks get charged admission? what is an acceptable frequency for lynching black men to you?

Really? What kind of question is this?

I would argue that EVEN ONE is "way too often."

What is your point here, Llama? How often is a lynching of ANYONE acceptable to you?

And to put FACTS in this matter:

Because of the nature of lynchings – summary executions that occurred outside the constraints of court documentation – there was no formal, centralized tracking of the phenomenon. Most historians believe this has left the true number of lynchings dramatically underreported.

For decades, the most comprehensive total belonged to the archives at the Tuskegee Institute, which tabulated 4,743 people who died at the hands of US lynch mobs between 1881 and 1968. According to the Tuskegee numbers, 3,446 (nearly three-quarters) of those lynched were black Americans.

The EJI, which relied on the Tuskegee numbers in building its own count, integrated other sources, such as newspaper archives and other historical records, to arrive at a total of 4,084 racial terror lynchings in 12 southern states between the end of Reconstruction in 1877 and 1950, and another 300 in other states.

Where did most lynchings take place?
Unsurprisingly, lynching was most concentrated in the former Confederate states, and especially in those with large black populations.

According to EJI’s data, Mississippi, Florida, Arkansas and Louisiana had the highest statewide rates of lynching in the United States. Mississippi, Georgia and Louisiana had the highest number of lynchings.

And please do not tell me any lynching is acceptable, especially those that are pure racially motivated.

Re: The USA Left led Military ,worst Defeat/blunder in 200 y

PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2021 11:12 pm
by jusplay4fun
Dukasaur wrote:
ConfederateSS wrote:More proof...look at America's inner cities...The proof is in the pudding...

What do you think that proves? The rich have moved out to playgrounds in the suburbs. They've utterly abandoned the inner cities to the poor. Of course people with no money can't support the needs of great cities, and those cities decay.

80% of the people who take advantage of (very expensive) urban highways live outside of the city limits and don't have to pay taxes to keep up those highways. They don't contribute to policing them, or to providing fire protection, or anything else. Then they have the fucking gall to point fingers at the poor people left behind holding the bag.

Three responses:

1) It is NOT only whites that flee the inner cities. Blacks who are successful opt NOT to live in those communities plagued by violence and crime. Do you blame them for moving away from poor education, poverty, crime, drugs, gangs, and violence?

2) The same can be said of those attempting to migrate (ILLEGALLY) into the USA from El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Guatamala, as well as parts of Mexico and other countries.

3) And I have to disagree with Duk on this one point: more money alone does not solve the problems of inner cities. Case in point: What School division in Virginia spends the MOST on their students, per student? [btw: Because of the recognition of state leaders, those areas which are economically disadvantaged receive more state aid to compensate for that lack of a tax base for pay for schools (and teachers and supplies and the cost of running a school system).] Richmond City Schools.

And where is Richmond Schools in terms of achievement? in the bottom five (of some 130 school divisions).

The supporting data was not easy to find, BUT:

Richmond City Pblc Schs $14,585

Richmond Co Pblc Schs $11,489

Looking at the data, Richmond City was #1 in expenditure per pupil. I offer Richmond County for the purposes of a comparison.

Richmond County is NOT near Richmond City, the capital of Virginia. It is a small rural school division some about 100 miles east of Richmond City.

Richmond County is located in the heart of the Northern Neck of Virginia, where it lies on the north side of the Rappahannock River. Its 192 square miles of community is within one hour's drive of the city of Richmond, Virginia and within two hours' drive of Washington D.C. Throughout its existence, farming, fishing, and forestry have formed the backbone of the county's economy.

Re: The USA Left led Military ,worst Defeat/blunder in 200 y

PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2021 12:42 am
by Dukasaur
jusplay4fun wrote:
1) It is NOT only whites that flee the inner cities. Blacks who are successful opt NOT to live in those communities plagued by violence and crime. Do you blame them for moving away from poor education, poverty, crime, drugs, gangs, and violence?

Firstly, I said nothing about colour.

Secondly, which do you think came first, the chicken or the egg? Do you think the people moved away because the city was decaying, or do you think the city began to decay because the people moved away. To some degree it's both (a positive feedback loop) but the exodus began while the cities were still relatively healthy. The era of suburbanization began immediately after WW II. The cities managed to roll with the punch for more than a decade; major urban decay did not set in until around 1960.

Re: The USA Left led Military ,worst Defeat/blunder in 200 y

PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2021 5:18 am
by jusplay4fun
Dukasaur wrote:
jusplay4fun wrote:
1) It is NOT only whites that flee the inner cities. Blacks who are successful opt NOT to live in those communities plagued by violence and crime. Do you blame them for moving away from poor education, poverty, crime, drugs, gangs, and violence?

Firstly, I said nothing about colour.

Secondly, which do you think came first, the chicken or the egg? Do you think the people moved away because the city was decaying, or do you think the city began to decay because the people moved away. To some degree it's both (a positive feedback loop) but the exodus began while the cities were still relatively healthy. The era of suburbanization began immediately after WW II. The cities managed to roll with the punch for more than a decade; major urban decay did not set in until around 1960.

I made no accusation that you implied it was a color issue. I merely pointed out that this issue is largely economic and that those who could move out DID, both blacks and white.

And yes, suburbs grew significantly after WWII. Urban decay is caused largely by the middle class moving out to the suburbs.

There has been a reversal of sorts as "Yuppies" moved back to cities and repaired older homes. Overall, however, I will say that inner cities became greyer (older), darker (color/race HERE), and poorer. Younger and middle class individuals and families moved out of cities (large and small) into suburbs and more rural areas.

Re: The USA Left led Military ,worst Defeat/blunder in 200 y

PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2021 8:30 am
by ConfederateSS
Dukasaur wrote:
ConfederateSS wrote:More proof...look at America's inner cities...The proof is in the pudding...

What do you think that proves? The rich have moved out to playgrounds in the suburbs. They've utterly abandoned the inner cities to the poor. Of course people with no money can't support the needs of great cities, and those cities decay.

80% of the people who take advantage of (very expensive) urban highways live outside of the city limits and don't have to pay taxes to keep up those highways. They don't contribute to policing them, or to providing fire protection, or anything else. Then they have the fucking gall to point fingers at the poor people left behind holding the bag.

-----No,the Democrat politicians...Move to the rich neighborhoods...and come around for votes...during election time...What is sad,Kwamie started putting a D next to his name,as Mayor of Detroit.....Now they all have dione it since...The Mayor of Detroit is a non-partisan office...It is not like Chicago or New York....No Republican would ever run in Detroit any way...never would win...
riskllama wrote:if he knows it in his heart or saw it on the tv, then it must be true to him, i guess... :?

-----------Or I as my parents and grandparents,etc...have lived in Southwest Detroit all my life...Forget T.V....I can watch drive byes at any time of day....No ,people are not shooting guns off for New Years is just a typical day in Detroit...We used to make T-shirts in the Early 80's ...I live in Southwest Detroit...But I vacation in Beirut...One time a drug dealer wearing a bunch of gold chains was gunned down...across the street...He laid there for hours...till the cops came and took the body...But before one would go near him..until a couple of bums came and rolled him,gold,and money...Once On the side of my house across the street...A gang member called his girlfriend out to her front gate...I watched on my video security camera...She had broke up with him,the day before...He gunned her down,with what looked like an Ozzie,drove away...I just smashed my tape in my camera...replaced it with a new one,I seen nothing...Just like when the dealer was dropped...You stay out of their business,they leave you alone... America Baby....
----------Forget lynching... Detroit... Chicago...,New York,Philly...... African Americans are shooting each other ,day after day...They don't lynch people in the North Llama,not in the 60's or the 21st cen....Now people just shoot each other....But hey, keep Voting Democrat...So they can win...go back to living in their gated communities...See you next election.. ;) .
...I know what your thinking Llama...North...Yes, Ancestors...moved North after the War Between The States...In search of Work...Hey ,Detroit ,is the only part of the USA,North of Canada.... 8-) .. O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:) ...I Love Being A Detroiter... :D =D> =D> ...There are lots and lots of wonderful people in the city...But are over the Bullets and smoke filling the sky... :( :( :( ....

Re: The USA Left led Military ,worst Defeat/blunder in 200 y

PostPosted: Tue Sep 14, 2021 9:11 pm
by jusplay4fun
riskllama wrote:if he knows it in his heart or saw it on the tv, then it must be true to him, i guess... :?

At least half of ConfSS's truths are tangible, Llama, unlike the "truth" alleged by others. Some offer wild speculation with NO proof. Some misquote, mislead, or simply lie.