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Boehner's Lawsuit

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 8:12 am
by DaGip
My opinion is this: Boehner and his conservative constituents realize they have been viewed as weak and mamby-pamby on their stance against Obama and the liberals. Therefor, Republicans feel they will be losing a few jobs this coming election, so they have to look like they are fighting Obama. This is no more than a political stunt that will lead to absolutely nothing. Matter of fact, it makes the Republicans look scared and weak.

Re: Boehner's Lawsuit

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 1:33 pm
by mrswdk
And what's up with that surname?

Re: Boehner's Lawsuit

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 1:54 pm
by muy_thaiguy
mrswdk wrote:And what's up with that surname?

It used to be Flassid, but they changed it about 100 years ago.

Re: Boehner's Lawsuit

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 4:15 pm
by oVo

Re: Boehner's Lawsuit

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 4:59 am
by Phatscotty
yup, Obama is polling and has polled lower than GW Bush, and has been ranked the worst president of all time, I'm sure you didn't scoff at the talks about impeaching Bush. "Bush lied Americans died" Obama refuses to work with Congress and still acts like HE didn't lose Congress at the first possible moment. Why don't you guys take responsibility for losing Congress? You had super majorities. Obama and you guys want to bitch about Republicans all damn day, but he is the reason Republicans are there with just a little bit of power. It's sad that's all you guys can do.

It's the President's job to work with the Congress the American people send him. Bill Clinton could do it, George Bush could do it, most all president could do it and have done it and kept their oath to the US Constitution; why can't Obama do it? If a President is just gonna go around Congress, why even elect a Congress? the problem truly is these guys are all "yeah! let's get rid of Congress! Congress isn't doing what the President tells it to do."

And this is why you guys are hypocrites. You'd be supporting the same thing if a Republican did half the shit Obama has done, and believe me the precedent you guys are setting is going to get a Republican president to do all the same shit and more. The problem is you guys and Obama thinks that the Republicans job is to vote like Democrats, and yall won't accept anything less. And you gobble up the hyper-partisan attacks on Congress Republicans like it's all Republicans fault, like it wasn't the Democrats who triggered the nuclear option, GIMME A BREAK! The tone was set long ago the way ObamaCare was passed, strictly down partisan lines. Democrats didn't give a single shit about getting an single Republican on board, and they still don't. They have no interest in working together as a country, so they rammed it through, and American's are gonna be paying out the nose the rest of their lives. It's not rocket science to figure out why Obamacare doesn't fully kick in until after Obama leaves office. (Remember though it was a crisis in 2009, people were dying in the streets, WE CAN'T WAIT ANOTHER MOMENT! :roll: ) It's not rocket science why Congress and the President is exempt from Obamacare. That should tell you guys a lot, but in reality you don't give a shit about these truths, you want to ass ram everything in sight. That's EXACTLY why Democrats had Congress for one term, and Americans overwhelmingly united in voting the Democrats out so hardcore you have to go back to 1938 to find a bigger routing. That's almost a century. Maybe instead of Democrats and President Obama constantly whining about Republicans in Congress, they should get the freaking clue why Democrats got their asses handed to them in 2010, maybe Obama should take responsibility for losing the super majority he had and losing it in a the biggest way in almost a century! I know there are honest Democrats out there, just like there are honest Republicans, but look at these guys here are lickin boots while the Patriot Act remains in place and only continues to grow, while every Americans phone and email and chat conversations are recorded and stored, as America's credit rating gets repeatedly downgraded and we print money into debt and slam it into the stock market and pretend it's prosperity as the fatcats keep getting fatter, as our 'secured' border has our border control changing diapers and pissing away billions of dollars while our veterans cannot even get an appointment with a doctor and are effectively put on waiting list until they die, while our president routinely pretends there is no such thing as a Congress or a balance of power; these guys take it balls deep and ask for seconds. You guys think I am a hyper-Republican, but I criticized Bush loudly and publicly ALL THE TIME. Hell, I voted for Ralph Nader! I don't see any Democrats being non-partisan. Hell Obama must be perfect!

See if this one sounds familiar from yours truly.
"I don't have to run for office again so I can just let her rip” yeah, I'm sure that's exactly what people want to hear from a President currently ranked as the worst president ever. Just let her rip!

Re: Boehner's Lawsuit

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 5:13 am
by Phatscotty

One hell of a piece to at the opening paragraph. Hate based persuasion...don't talk about anything yall want to do, focus on making the reader loathe the person with this opinion and play it off like everyone thinks the same way for the same reason.

This is pure garbage

Obama is the worst thing to ever happen to this country,” declares the wealthy, rakish, silver-haired Newport Beach white guy to his small group of perfectly tanned 50-something females sitting just a few feet away from us at a stunning restaurant patio overlooking the sun-kissed California coastline, just off of Highway 1, as he sipped his pinot and adjusted his wraparound Ray Bans, flush from the economy’s spectacular recovery that has benefitted his exact demographic most of all, stroking his purebred dog and taking various selfies with their $500 phones, oblivious to the furious swirls of irony and hypocrisy fluttering just above their heads


spectacular recovery? GDP shrank last quarter! Another quarter of shrinkage and we are in recession again! Ovo, how can you pass on such pure bullshit? This is the same thing Obama did in 2010, the 'recovery summer' which was nothing more than a tactic to bullshit the American people with lies just before the Congressional election. And here we are, 4 years later, still no recovery one foot in recession, claiming recovery again just before the Congressional election! Just like before the 2012 election, Obama was bragging about how the border is secure, and Republicans are trippin over nothing because they are stupid. THANK YOU SIR MAY I HAVE ANOTHER!



What a joke! 'fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me!'


Re: Boehner's Lawsuit

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 6:43 am
by mrswdk
Standing behind the curtain jerking.

Re: Boehner's Lawsuit

PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 6:23 pm
by oVo
Phatscotty wrote:Ovo, how can you pass on such pure bullshit?

I didn't write it, I simply shared it. The humor is that it does contain
some measure of truth.

You wrote, Obama... "has been ranked the worst president of all time,"
which is nothing but internet GOP PR garbage or were you quoting
some sort of recent Congressional poll?

It's a funny fact that the Immigration Bill that has created the current snafu was signed into law by George Bush in 2008.

Another fact is that I'm not pleased with the actions of the current government period... that's both parties, the prez and the rest of the bums in Washington.

Re: Boehner's Lawsuit

PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 7:53 pm
by AndyDufresne
Phatscotty wrote:This is pure garbage



Re: Boehner's Lawsuit

PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 8:21 pm
by notyou2
oVo wrote:
Phatscotty wrote:Ovo, how can you pass on such pure bullshit?

I didn't write it, I simply shared it. The humor is that it does contain
some measure of truth.

You wrote, Obama... "has been ranked the worst president of all time,"
which is nothing but internet GOP PR garbage or were you quoting
some sort of recent Congressional poll?

It's a funny fact that the Immigration Bill that has created the current snafu was signed into law by George Bush in 2008.

Another fact is that I'm not pleased with the actions of the current government period... that's both parties, the prez and the rest of the bums in Washington.

Phatty doesn't think for himself, he simply regurgitates right wing propaganda, as we all know.

Re: Boehner's Lawsuit

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 2:38 pm
by oVo
He's just exercising his Sisyphean task
of nudging this thread up the hill.

Re: Boehner's Lawsuit

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 7:40 pm
by Phatscotty
oVo wrote:
Phatscotty wrote:Ovo, how can you pass on such pure bullshit?

I didn't write it, I simply shared it. The humor is that it does contain
some measure of truth.

You wrote, Obama... "has been ranked the worst president of all time,"
which is nothing but internet GOP PR garbage or were you quoting
some sort of recent Congressional poll?

It's a funny fact that the Immigration Bill that has created the current snafu was signed into law by George Bush in 2008.

Another fact is that I'm not pleased with the actions of the current government period... that's both parties, the prez and the rest of the bums in Washington.

2008 bill you lay on Bush was written by Democrat Congress. OH NOW CONGRESS MATTERS BUT BACK THEN CONGRESS DIDN'T MATTER?

Obama worst president, no not a GOP poll ... aseID=2056

"Over the span of 69 years of American history and 12 presidencies, President Barack Obama finds himself with President George W. Bush at the bottom of the popularity barrel," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.

"Would Mitt have been a better fit? More voters in hindsight say yes."

American voters say 54 - 44 percent that the Obama Administration is not competent running the government. The president is paying attention to what his administration is doing, 47 percent say, while 48 percent say he does not pay enough attention.

President Obama's job approval rating, inching up since a negative 38 - 57 percent in December, 2013, his all-time low, is stalled at a negative 40 - 53 percent. This compares to the president's negative 42 - 50 percent job approval in an April 2 national survey.

Re: Boehner's Lawsuit

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 11:55 pm
by oVo
Do you have an actual point you'd like to make
or is this straw man stuff all there is?

Re: Boehner's Lawsuit

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 2:03 am
by ooge
It has been mention the Democrats could not keep control of the House ... ions,_2012 This link shows that 1.4 million more Americans voted for Democratic candidates over Republican candidates in the last election.Yet Republicans kept control of the house.I should note that in states that democratic candidates carry in presidential elections but currently have republicans in control of the state. there has been talks to change how elector votes are given out.Pennsylvania for example has talked about doing it by Congressional districts.Under these rules this would have meant mitt Romney would have received more elector votes then President Obama even though more people Voted for Obama in Pennsylvania.

Re: Boehner's Lawsuit

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 2:10 pm
by oVo
In Texas the Congressional District boundaries look like bizarre abstractions. It's a Red State thing where these lines have been redrawn incorporating voter demographic logic. Controlling votes here is more important to the GOP than actually representing the people who live there.

Re: Boehner's Lawsuit

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 8:20 pm
by notyou2
Isn't there some sort of protection for elected officials that they can't be sued for decisions made while in office?

Re: Boehner's Lawsuit

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 11:23 pm
by oVo
notyou2 wrote:Isn't there some sort of protection for elected officials that they can't be sued for decisions made while in office?

Probably... since there's no shortage of examples.

PhatScott wrote:2008 bill you lay on Bush was written by Democrat Congress. OH NOW CONGRESS MATTERS BUT BACK THEN CONGRESS DIDN'T MATTER?

So the Congress was accountable then, but not now?
Bush signed the bill didn't he or was he just looking to exit
the Oval Office on a positive note?

Re: Boehner's Lawsuit

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 1:11 pm
by oVo
Realizing that it would mean doing something,
Boehner drops the suit.

Re: Boehner's Lawsuit

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 11:22 pm
by ooge
oVo wrote:Realizing that it would mean doing something,
Boehner drops the suit.

:lol: sad but true..Shortly after the general election a memo was sent to the Republican leadership from the heritage foundation stating. Do not attempt to pass any bills attempting to do so will only highlight the division that exists within the party,concentrate on "scandals" Sorry but I read that over a years ago.

Re: Boehner's Lawsuit

PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 9:28 am
by PLAYER57832
Phatscotty wrote:

Ironic that YOU would post that quote.

(we, the American people are not each others enemies, the enemies are those people behind the curtain jerking everybody's chains and trying to divide us up by age, by race, by income..."

(and funny how so many people who have benefitted to highly by the current system seem to think the solution is to stop it from benefitting anyone else not already at the top)

Re: Boehner's Lawsuit

PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 10:26 am
by patches70
Boehner's lawsuit won't get far at all. It'll be thrown out of court or he will be ruled against.

Since Congress has ceded it's authority on so many things, I can't see Boehner standing in front of a judge and getting the judge to buy this.

Think about it from the judge's point of view-
"You want me to rule with you over powers you already have granted by the Constitution but are unwilling to use those powers and want me to do it for you? I don't think so, case dismissed."

And that will be that.

That's why Obama is laughing his ass off at Boehner and mocking the crying Speaker.
Obama: So sue me! Hahahahahaha!

The House controls the power of the purse. Obama can make any proclamations he wants, but if he has no money there isn't much he can do to enforce or enact those proclamations. If the President is abusing his power it's because the Congress has let him abuse his power and Congress has the means to stop it and it doesn't require any judges and trials and such nonsense.

But I guess this serves Boehner well enough from a political POV. It makes it appear that he's trying to do something while not actually doing anything. Those who are easily influenced or manipulated might actually fall for the ploy and think Boehner might not be the pussy he is.

But the rest of us know better.

Re: Boehner's Lawsuit

PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 1:15 pm
by DaGip
patches70 wrote:Boehner's lawsuit won't get far at all. It'll be thrown out of court or he will be ruled against.

Since Congress has ceded it's authority on so many things, I can't see Boehner standing in front of a judge and getting the judge to buy this.

Think about it from the judge's point of view-
"You want me to rule with you over powers you already have granted by the Constitution but are unwilling to use those powers and want me to do it for you? I don't think so, case dismissed."

And that will be that.

That's why Obama is laughing his ass off at Boehner and mocking the crying Speaker.
Obama: So sue me! Hahahahahaha!

The House controls the power of the purse. Obama can make any proclamations he wants, but if he has no money there isn't much he can do to enforce or enact those proclamations. If the President is abusing his power it's because the Congress has let him abuse his power and Congress has the means to stop it and it doesn't require any judges and trials and such nonsense.

But I guess this serves Boehner well enough from a political POV. It makes it appear that he's trying to do something while not actually doing anything. Those who are easily influenced or manipulated might actually fall for the ploy and think Boehner might not be the pussy he is.

But the rest of us know better.
Thumbs up! =D> Boehner is trying to salvage what little dignity he holds at his job amidst his colleagues and conservative peers. The lawsuit does nothing except try an attempt at saving his and his buddies political careers. The Republicans have been highjacked by the Tea Party, and the Tea Party runs shit now! Boehner is pro-establishment, while his base is bent on ultra-conservatism. The Purge will begin soon and established Republicans will begin losing their jobs to Tea Party nut cases. OMFG! The Democrats and their Socialistic agenda are going to remain in power a long, long time!

Re: Boehner's Lawsuit

PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 1:37 pm
by patches70
DaGip wrote: Thumbs up! =D> Boehner is trying to salvage what little dignity he holds at his job amidst his colleagues and conservative peers. The lawsuit does nothing except try an attempt at saving his and his buddies political careers. The Republicans have been highjacked by the Tea Party, and the Tea Party runs shit now! Boehner is pro-establishment, while his base is bent on ultra-conservatism. The Purge will begin soon and established Republicans will begin losing their jobs to Tea Party nut cases. OMFG! The Democrats and their Socialistic agenda are going to remain in power a long, long time!

You can clap all you want but you'd be wrong if you think the Democrats are immune from this. There is a reason so many democrats distance themselves around election time from progressive policies. Cause if they actually say what they really think then they'll be tossed out of office as well. Ultra conservative, ultra progressive, doesn't matter, they are all nutcases as you put it.

But the American people routinely put these types out of office when the politicians overstep. What the real story is is that Congress has slowly but surely been giving up their Constitutional powers and responsibilities for some time now. That's all well and good so long as those who take those powers are doing what you like, but the pendulum always swings and in due time there will be someone not to your liking doing things they shouldn't with powers they shouldn't have.

Then you'll be up a shit creek cause you were cheerleading the whole time while it was "your guy" doing the stuff. You won't have a leg to stand on when it's the "other side" in the position of power.

Then what will you do?
Probably riot in the streets considering your crazy rhetoric (parody) through the various threads. Luckily, I don't think you actually believe half the stuff you spew so it makes me chuckle, but there are crazies out there that actually think like you parody.

Meh. It is what it is I guess. Nothing but fun and games until someone gets an eye poked out. Then the real fun begins!

Re: Boehner's Lawsuit

PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 3:39 pm
by Phatscotty
ooge wrote:It has been mention the Democrats could not keep control of the House ... ions,_2012 This link shows that 1.4 million more Americans voted for Democratic candidates over Republican candidates in the last election.Yet Republicans kept control of the house.I should note that in states that democratic candidates carry in presidential elections but currently have republicans in control of the state. there has been talks to change how elector votes are given out.Pennsylvania for example has talked about doing it by Congressional districts.Under these rules this would have meant mitt Romney would have received more elector votes then President Obama even though more people Voted for Obama in Pennsylvania.

The Democrats got more votes in 2012, and the Democrats gained a few seats in 2012 while Republicans lost some. There's a reason Republicans kept the house. Because 2010 Republicans won so hardcore. It was the biggest Congressional victory since FDR. It would probably take the Democrats 3 election cycles to match what the Tea Party did in 1.

There is also the reality that blue cities and states are losing population, as red cities and states are gaining population.