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RGV- Rainbow League

PostPosted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 2:18 am
by Fewnix
Think I need privileges and other help.

Recently taking over as CD clan RGV I set up a Rainbow League
Mates in the clan were assigned to squads- blue squad, red squad, yellow squad etc.

Each squad picked 5 HOME GAMES-combos of map, settings and squad mates-

3 dubs,
1 trips
1 quad

that, given the home field advantage of choice of map settings and squad mates - we should be able to win in a clan war.

so this could be considered a try-out or practice game. The mere fact this was a squads pick means its worth considering when it come to clan war. Maybe with a few tweaks, Winning that pick of HOME GAME combo - map, settings and squad mates - in the rainbow League, makes this a prime contender for war,

But I had problems setting up private games, inviting mates in and then, me dropping out and someone inviting in my replacement.

So prviileges and help appreciated.

Thank you

This sets up the game with me in , even though I am not intending to be a player in the game. I want to invite the real players in and then drop out, with somebody i invited in, having accepted the invite, then inviting in my replacement.

If you are in the game, you can invite people in through the game. Otherwise a PM with Password RGV, e.g.
please join Stalingrad
Sent: Wed Jun 09, 2021 2:06 pm
From: Fewnix
To: LLC22
Game 20947316
Password- RGV
Team 1 Stalingrad - fog, no spoils, chained -
domi and LC22

But the game disappears. probably when I drop out .even though I thought I had got someone else in ,

No sure if it is me or a jinx but i cant find other games.

any of them work for you?

dubs games
Baltics Crusade Game 21041750
Cyprus Game 21041727

trips game
Cyprus Game 21050602

and join Conquerhero in Team 1

So it is probably me doing something wrong, but I thought this method worked- . Set up a private game, you are in it, people get invited in , you drop out, a replacement is invited in, things go on.



Re: Private Tournament for clan RGV- Rainbow League

PostPosted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 8:49 am
by Mad777
Hey bud, give me few days and I’ll set you up, if this can wait Friday.

In the mean time if you could insert a Forum link I need to attach to the tournament database.


Re: Private Tournament for clan RGV- Rainbow League

PostPosted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 1:15 am
by Fewnix
Mad777 wrote:Hey bud, give me few days and I’ll set you up, if this can wait Friday.

In the mean time if you could insert a Forum link I need to attach to the tournament database.


Much appreciated, no rush, been working on this Rainbow League for months and many months of work and fun ahead. :D

The immediate issue is that Games I set up as private games by a method I used before disappeared -something to do with me leaving and inviting people in maybe or the rules have changed since the olden days?
Hi mate Serreski

please log into

dubs games
Baltics Crusade Game 21041750
Cyprus Game 21041727

trips game
Cyprus Game 21050602

and join Conquerhero in Team 1

and log into quads game
Tribal War Florida- Game 21050603

and join Sportsgod in Team 1

password RGV

Not sure what you mean by a forum link, something like a thread setting out the rules of engagement, taking signups? All internal, just Clan RGV in the Rainbow League?

TMI (too Much Information)
i have already had several squads squaring off: each squad had 5 Home Games- 3 dubs, 1 trips, 1 quads.- where they had the choice of map, settings and squad mates.

Along with playing in the % Home Games, the squad had to take on the other squads Home Games as away games.

So each squad, about 5 members, had to cover 5 Home Games, 5 Away Game s= 10 Games-26 slots to fill.about 5 or 6 games each.

While your squad winning is good, there is also winning Games, particularly Home games you are in. Makes you a prime contender for clan war in games you can win.

Home maps Rainbow League
Postby Fewnix on Sat Apr 10, 2021 3:28 pm

loss Blue Falcons Home ------------------- ------------ Fleet Without a Color Away
Conquer Rome -won----------SA, Few----------- ----Game 20847005------------- Rook and Fox
Eurasia Mini -won -------- ---Pm, Few--------- ----- Game 20847007---------- ---Rook and Fox
Antarctica Won------- --- --- PM Few --------------- Game 20847008------------ SG24 and D3

1 trips
New World won--- ------ SA, Vyk, Few --------- Game 20847009 - ----SG24, D3, Rook

1 quads
Supermax prison riot won----Ds -PM, Vyk, Few---- Game 20847010 SG24, D3, Rook, Fox-

Fleet Without a Color Home Games ------------------------===Blue Falcons Away
Texan war - Loss----SG24, D3----Game 20851331---- --------------- Fewnix vyk
USAwin------------ DS Fox- -----------Game 20854758------Fewnix, PM
Midgard Loss ------SG24,---------Rook Fox-----Game 20850630 -----------------PM Vyk Few

World 2.1won------- SG24 Rook, Fox, Ds----- Game 20850622----PM,SA,VYJ< FEW

Re: Private Tournament for clan RGV- Rainbow League

PostPosted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 7:23 am
by Mad777
copy/paste your Forum link you are using in your Clan Forum, no one (included myself) has access to it but i need it to create the private tournament.

check the other threads the way they requested a private tournament:


Re: Private Tournament for clan RGV- Rainbow League

PostPosted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 8:19 am
by Fewnix
Mad777 wrote:copy/paste your Forum link you are using in your Clan Forum, no one (included myself) has access to it but i need it to create the private tournament.
Rainbow League-Clan RGV

check the other threads the way they requested a private tournament:


--not authorised to read these forums viewtopic.php?f=888&t=236384

Re: Private Tournament for clan RGV- Rainbow League

PostPosted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 9:40 am
by Mad777
that is normal you are not authorized to see that exemple because it is from their private forum, same for the link you provided, no one can see it unless part of that Forum, but i can still use that link though and that is all I needed, thanks

Re: Private Tournament for clan RGV- Rainbow League

PostPosted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 3:57 pm
by Mad777
You should have received privileges to create games for your Rainbow League, let me know how it works.

Please advise when tournament is over and for me to remove privileges.

Have fun

Re: Private Tournament for clan RGV- Rainbow League

PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 4:00 pm
by Fewnix
Having fun-thank you very very much
I recommend other clans use this feature for fun- and to practice for war

Rainbow League-Clan RGV
-------------------ORANGE v GREEN---------------

Orange Home

Chinese Checkers Game 21100937
Domingos! Bentelbow
------Away Worldconquer MEP

The Temple of Jinn Game 21100920
Domingos! Serreski
------Away sportsgod24 TDJ-D

Stalingrad Game 21100901
Domingos! LLC22
------Away conquerhero TDJ-D

Waterloo Game 21100969
Domingos! Reserved [?] Bentelbow
------Away conquerhero Serreski TDJ-D

City Mogul Game 21100991
worldconquer MEP Bentelbow LLC2\
------Away conquerhero Serreski sportsgod24 TDJ-D

Green Home

Tribal War - Florida Game 21098751
sportsgod24 TDJ-D
---------Away worldconquer MEP

Cyprus Game 21098735
conquerhero Serreski
------Away sportsgod24 TDJ-D

Baltic Crusades Game 21097281
conquerhero Serreski
----Away Domingos! Empty [invite]

CyprusGame 21097289
conquerhero Serreski TDJ-D
------Away Domingos! LLC22 Bentelbow

Tribal War - Florida Game 21098747
conquerhero Serreski sportsgod24 TDJ-D
-----Away worldconquer MEP BentelbowLLC22

Mad777 wrote:You should have received privileges to create games for your Rainbow League, let me know how it works.

Please advise when tournament is over and for me to remove privileges.

Have fun