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Make community tournaments able to reward Stars?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 9:30 am
by Koganosi
Its just a question, from my side actually. But if there is interest in it I will happily bring it to the suggestion forum.

Is there in any way we can make community tourney's award inventory stars, so they might gain a bit more popularity over the auto tournaments, generally the community tourneys are alot of more (yes, I dont join that much anymore!). It might sproud some more interest from people if you make them award inventory stars.

You might be able to add requirements to this, like 8 people, crappy stars, 16 people, crappy stars, 32 people, a box of crappy stars, 64 people, a medium rare star, and so on...

Any thoughts about this, or is this being implented?



Re: Make community tournaments able to reward Stars?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 10:26 pm
by jak111
Yeah, I echo this idea, I hosted a tourney LONG ago and if this was implemented I could actually create some worthwhile tournaments.