Conquer Club

Estonian Soccer League [Winner: killmanic]

Tournaments completed in 2009.

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UPDATE - Estonian Soccer League

Postby amazzony on Mon Dec 15, 2008 3:53 pm

Thanks for the feedback! I think it's a good idea to keep it going slowly because everybody in the tournament is freemium so it shouldn't be a problem to caught up with others. Of course, I would prefer all games of the same match to go simultaneously as it makes things easier for me but I'm sure we'll figure something out that is suitable for everybody if somebody is too busy during Christmas.

I've updated the scoreboard up to match 10 (including). This means that exactly 50 games have been played in the tournament (everybody 10 games). Current leader is Viljandi JK Tulevik (redbugal) with 21 points (7 wins, 3 losses). Second place belongs to Pärnu JK Vaprus (killmanic) with 18 points who has had an amazing winning strike after changing coach (5 wins in the last 5 games). 5 teams are sharing 3rd place with 15 points. Everything is still open because not even one third of the games haven't finished yet and the difference between 1st and last place is 9 points (which equals only 3 wins).

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UPDATE - Estonian Soccer League

Postby amazzony on Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:28 am

Reminders sent to coaches who had trouble motivating their players and hopefully matches 11 & 12 will start shortly. With this speed, I will send out Matches 13 & 14 in a week and then won't be making new games until new year. I think that should keep things under control and give everybody a bit of holiday brake. I'm hoping currently active matches to end by Christmas so I could make a scoreboard update on 24th and then leave the scoreboard alone until new year.

I hope this predicted schedule suits everybody!

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UPDATE - Estonian Soccer League

Postby amazzony on Sun Dec 21, 2008 5:10 am

Most games until Match 12 are over so I'll send out next 2 matches. These will be last matches this year because my end of the year will probably busier than I thought before. Last update of this year will happen on 24th of December.

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UPDATE - Estonian Soccer League

Postby amazzony on Wed Dec 24, 2008 4:15 am

Merry snowy Christmas!

Scoreboard and schedule have been updated with newest data available. Some games from match 12-14 are still active so I won't be starting new games during holidays and next update probably after new year because I have no internet access from 25th to 28th December and after that might also be quite busy.

Enjoy the holidays!

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UPDATE - Estonian Soccer League

Postby amazzony on Tue Dec 30, 2008 4:53 am

All games up to match 14 have finished and scoreboard has been updated accordingly. I decided that I won't start new games right now because for some people December 31st might be party time so I don't want to be sending reminders later on. Next games (matches 15 and 16) will be made on the first week of January.

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UPDATE - Estonian Soccer League

Postby amazzony on Thu Jan 01, 2009 8:22 am

Matches 15 and 16 have been sent out. Hopefully new year will keep us in the smooth moving that we have had so far so do your best to keep the tournament moving and don't make me to send reminders ;)

Happy New Year!

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UPDATE - Estonian Soccer League

Postby amazzony on Wed Jan 07, 2009 5:54 am

Matches 17 and 18 sent out, scoreboard will get an update when all Match 16 games have ended (so in the next 3-4 days I think).
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UPDATE - Estonian Soccer League

Postby amazzony on Sat Jan 10, 2009 6:33 am

I kinda forgot about an exam that I will have soon so I'll wait all games up to week 18 finish and then make a proper update (that will also means that half of the tournament is over).

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UPDATE - Estonian Soccer League

Postby amazzony on Fri Jan 16, 2009 11:10 am

Scoreboard and Schedule have been updated up to Match 18 (including). First tie game has happened, Game 3950310 between JK Sillamäe Kalev (HighlanderAttack) and negoeien (Nõmme JK Kalju) reached round 16, therefore both of them get 1 draw point.

Exactly half of the league over, we have a pretty good idea who are stronger, who weaker teams this season. Though remember, everybody has 18 games ahead so things can still change a lot. Current leader is Pärnu JK Vaprus (killmanic) who is having an amazing 14 win streak. Second place belongs to Viljandi JK Tulevik (redbugal) and third is JK Tallinna Kalev (White Moose).

Match 19 and 20 will be sent out shortly.
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UPDATE - Estonian Soccer League

Postby amazzony on Mon Jan 19, 2009 10:16 pm

Reminders about Match 19 and 20 have been sent out, next matches will most likely be sent out next week because I'll be having a busy weekend and I don't think that most games will finish before it.
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UPDATE - Estonian Soccer League

Postby amazzony on Tue Jan 27, 2009 4:55 am

Matches 21 and 22 sent out, hopefully nobody will have problems with joining them. There are still a few games active in previous matched but they should end in the next couple of days so I don't see a problem with new games sent out.
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UPDATE - Estonian Soccer League

Postby amazzony on Mon Feb 02, 2009 9:01 am

Schedule and Scoreboard has been updated until Match 20 (included). Matches 21 and 22 are about to finish, matches 23 and 24 have just been sent out to players.

After 20 matches, Pärnu JK Vaprus (killmanic) is still leader with amazing 45 points which means that he has won 75% of his games (lost 5 games overall). Close second is Viljandi JK Tulevik (redbugal) who has lost only 6 games. Third one is JK Tallinna Kalev (White Moose) who has 36 points.

With this speed, my prediction says that we should end in April.
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UPDATE - Estonian Soccer League

Postby amazzony on Tue Feb 10, 2009 1:19 pm

Scoreboard and Schedule have been updated up to Match 24 (except 3 games that haven't finished yet). I have to send out next matches today because the games were made some time ago and I don't wish them to drop and remaking them would be just more work for me so I hope that it won't cause problem anybody, especially as those who will play more than 3 games joined after reminders.

My CC time will be very hectic until February 17th so I most likely won't update tournaments before that date. Do try to be active and correct yourself.

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UPDATE - Estonian Soccer League

Postby amazzony on Mon Feb 16, 2009 5:14 am

Of course it was impossible that all 10 people could get into their games without reminders so instead of starting with next match today, I sent out reminders which means that next matches will be sent out not before a week as I will not have time for it before. Update will be done after all games of match 26 (and earlier ones) are finished.
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UPDATE - Estonian Soccer League

Postby amazzony on Thu Feb 19, 2009 4:12 pm

Waiting on 3 games to end before I update scoreboard and make next 2 matches. We'll be moving on within a week, won't give exact date because don't know how fast the games will move and when I might have time to make the update.
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UPDATE - Estonian Soccer League

Postby amazzony on Mon Feb 23, 2009 1:03 pm

As always, I don't let myself to be bothered from the one active game that there is and we'll be moving on to next matches. We've reached 27 and 28 which will be sent out shortly. Scoreboard and Schedule have been updated up to match 26 (except 1 game which will be added later, after it ends), next update in a few weeks, hopefully next games can be sent out earlier.
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UPDATE - Estonian Soccer League

Postby amazzony on Tue Mar 03, 2009 7:36 am

I've sent out matches 29 and 30. I'll try to find time to update scoreboard today. If I don't manage to do it then next chance I have for it will be at the end of this week so please try to be patient and hang on :)
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UPDATE - Estonian Soccer League

Postby amazzony on Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:24 pm

Schedule and Scoreboard has been updated until Match 28 /except 1 game that hasn't finished in M28/. Next update in the next couple of weeks, don't know exact time. Remember, overall there will be 36 matches for each player so just a bit more and this season is over :)
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UPDATE - Estonian Soccer League

Postby amazzony on Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:30 pm

I had to replace a game because I made it with wrong settings so last games of Match 30 took some time to start but at least everything is correct now so last games should begin soon. Next matches in a week or so.
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UPDATE - Estonian Soccer League

Postby amazzony on Thu Mar 19, 2009 1:04 pm

Hmm, took some more time to start next matches but couldn't do it earlier. Anyway, games are made for matches 31 and 32 (overall 36 matches for everybody) and will be sent out shortly. I've also made matches 33 and 34 so if you wish to join them now then using game finder, you can do it. As only 2 matches have ended since last update then I didn't start updating the scoreboard and it will be done when currently starting matches will end.

Give your last shots and lets get the season to its great end! :)

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UPDATE - Estonian Soccer League

Postby amazzony on Wed Mar 25, 2009 3:50 pm

Sent out matches 33 and 34 which. I'll update scoreboard when those games end and after that there's just 2 matches left for everybody :)
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UPDATE - Estonian Soccer League

Postby amazzony on Thu Apr 02, 2009 10:29 am

There are still 5 games active from Matches 31 up to 34 and I won't be updating before all those games have ended.
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UPDATE - Estonian Soccer League

Postby amazzony on Sun Apr 05, 2009 4:53 pm

We have a solid leader - Pärnu JK Vaprus (killmanic) - who will also take the championship cup of Estonian Soccer League. But, to follow all the great sports tradition, before giving the award, we will finish the season and there's exactly 2 matches left before the season ends. Games will be sent out after I post this message. Lets have a great end of season!
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WINNER: killmanic

Postby amazzony on Sun Apr 19, 2009 7:58 am

After a long long but enjoyable season we've reached the end of 36 matches and we have a solid winner. He lost only 7 games which means that he won 77% of his games in this season.... Congratulations, killmanic!


Thank you everybody for playing and cya in other tournaments!

Last edited by amazzony on Tue Jan 25, 2011 3:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Estonian Soccer League [Winner: killmanic]

Postby dittoeevee8888 on Sun Apr 19, 2009 12:49 pm

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