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When will Kabul fall?

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Re: British Move to Rescue Americans Abandoned by Biden

Postby jusplay4fun on Fri Aug 20, 2021 4:33 am

saxitoxin wrote:
bigtoughralf wrote:Is anyone else impressed with how smooth and bloodless this transition of Afghan leadership was? Not just smoother than the US overthrow of the Taliban but also smoother than the process of replacing Trump with Biden.

When there is popular support behind a leader, transitions are smooth; when there is not, there is not.

The Taliban have the support of the Afghan people despite what we want to delude ourselves into thinking. The Taliban and the ANA were both composed of Afghans, not some alien force. The Taliban (Afghans) chose to fight ferociously and the ANA (also Afghans) chose to unlock the gates to let them in.

Americans look at images of cosmopolitan Kabul and think it represents Afghanistan like Afghans look at images of West Hollywood and think it represent the United States. The forces of international liberalism tried to turn Afghanistan into Little Denmark and it blew-up in their faces.

I mean, they had quotas for women in the Afghan parliament, the puppet government was doing campaigns about climate change, the American embassy was flying Gay Pride and BLM flags ... who seriously thought any of that was going to go over well in an Iron Age society? At the first opportunity, the Afghans themselves swept 20 years and $1 Trillion of that neoliberal bullshit away in the course of a few hours. We should be inspired by the Taliban. They have shown us that we can, domestically, do the same.

Biden and his handlers are panicking not because they lost Afghanistan but because they realize they're about to lose the world. The experiment of the last 300 years is coming to an end!

One huge problem of Colonial powers and the USA too, is that they view a "nation" in name only to be of one mindset and does not recognize the diversity of tribes and groups living within the borders that are somewhat artificially created. They do not recognize that different groups have different agendas and are NOT going to adopt to the ways, desires, and values of the colonists and people MANY view as invaders. saxi makes the same mistakes, as demonstrated by the above quote.

Afghanistan's population is divided into several ethnolinguistic groups. Generally the four major ethnic groups are the Pashtuns, Tajiks, Hazaras and Uzbeks. A further 10 other ethnic groups are recognized and each are represented in the Afghan National Anthem.

The Taliban is only of the major ethnic groups in Afghanistan and to think that nearly ALL those in Aghanistan are Taliban is a huge misunderstanding of the reality on the ground and in the mountains there.

The Taliban, or "students" in the Pashto language, emerged in the early 1990s in northern Pakistan following the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. It is believed that the predominantly Pashtun movement first appeared in religious seminaries - mostly paid for by money from Saudi Arabia - which preached a hardline form of Sunni Islam.

The promise made by the Taliban - in Pashtun areas straddling Pakistan and Afghanistan - was to restore peace and security and enforce their own austere version of Sharia, or Islamic law, once in power.

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Re: British Move to Rescue Americans Abandoned by Biden

Postby bigtoughralf on Fri Aug 20, 2021 5:45 am

jusplay4fun wrote:
bigtoughralf wrote:
saxitoxin wrote:Through sheer buffoonery, he has just singularly removed America from the world stage and the global order

Although you could point out that Bush started a completely illegal war that killed 500,000 civilians, Obama fomented two civil wars then ran away from them, Trump abandoned the Kurds, threatened to leave NATO and assassinated a world leader etc, and the Western Europeans just continued to clap and say ‘more’, so Biden abandoning a few Afghans to be shot in a ditch is probably unlikely to lead anyone to dramatically rethink their relationship with the US.

Here is one more quote from the non-ILLUSTRIOUS saxi:
Biden and his handlers are panicking not because they lost Afghanistan but because they realize they're about to lose the world. The experiment of the last 300 years is coming to an end!

These quotes illustrate typical saxi: he overstates his weak case with grandiose declarations, and tries to support his insignificant argument with poor evidence and examples. NOTHING new here.

When will American hubris on the world state end? Typical too of many previous powers, the USA overreached in both Iraq and Afghanistan. We spent and wasted too many lives, too many dollars, and too much of the respect and prestige of the USA.

tbf to him he just appears to be the average product of an American state education
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Re: British Move to Rescue Americans Abandoned by Biden

Postby KoolBak on Fri Aug 20, 2021 8:23 am asshole....

Just wanted to congratulate you on making it to my foe list after only a handful of posts.

What was that first acronym in your sentence? I began my life being typically state educated so am woefully stupid.

Oh wait.....I won't be able to see your reply. Darn it.
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Re: British Move to Rescue Americans Abandoned by Biden

Postby HitRed on Fri Aug 20, 2021 10:51 am


December 8th, 20

I the Lord see all and hear all that has been done to take an election and give it to a person that is not qualified to lead this country.** - Jesus

** Joseph R. Biden
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Re: British Move to Rescue Americans Abandoned by Biden

Postby bigtoughralf on Fri Aug 20, 2021 11:06 am

The Taliban do subscribe to the teachings of Jesus tbf.
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Re: British Move to Rescue Americans Abandoned by Biden

Postby saxitoxin on Fri Aug 20, 2021 12:06 pm

bigtoughralf wrote:
saxitoxin wrote:Through sheer buffoonery, he has just singularly removed America from the world stage and the global order

Although you could point out that Bush started a completely illegal war that killed 500,000 civilians, Obama fomented two civil wars then ran away from them, Trump abandoned the Kurds, threatened to leave NATO and assassinated a world leader etc, and the Western Europeans just continued to clap and say ‘more’, so Biden abandoning a few Afghans to be shot in a ditch is probably unlikely to lead anyone to dramatically rethink their relationship with the US.

Each of those were actions that either aligned with the demands of the neoliberal order that rules Europe, or, in the case of Trump, were roundly criticized by that same order as the actions of an outsider.

This is the failure of one of the liberal international's own guys acting against their own wishes. And, unlike previous epochs where the failure of one of the two institutional parties could simply trigger a replacement from the other party, there is no longer a Plan B as long as Trumpist forces run the GOP.

NATO is on the verge of collapse. America will withdraw to within Fortress America and Europe will realign itself with Moscow, which will reassert its role as the historic guarantor of world peace. Today, everything in the world is on the right track. The name Alexis de Tocqueville is about to be written out of history.
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Re: British Move to Rescue Americans Abandoned by Biden

Postby HitRed on Fri Aug 20, 2021 12:19 pm

bigtoughralf wrote:The Taliban do subscribe to the teachings of Jesus tbf.

They do not know me. - Jesus
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Re: British Move to Rescue Americans Abandoned by Biden

Postby Swimmerdude99 on Fri Aug 20, 2021 12:21 pm

bigtoughralf wrote:The Taliban do subscribe to the teachings of Jesus tbf.

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Re: British Move to Rescue Americans Abandoned by Biden

Postby saxitoxin on Fri Aug 20, 2021 4:01 pm

Crazy to think ...

When Joe Biden authorized the War in Afghanistan as a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee ...
- The Taliban controlled 85% of Afghan territory
- The Taliban were armed with soft-skinned vehicles, light arms, and no aircraft

When Joe Biden finally ordered retreat ...
- The Taliban control 99% of Afghan territory
- The Taliban are armed with thousand of armored vehicles, and at least 60 U.S.-manufactured aircraft

Everything Biden touches dies.

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Re: British Move to Rescue Americans Abandoned by Biden

Postby riskllama on Sun Aug 22, 2021 8:41 pm

whatever happened to Iran relieving US forces? pretty sure i read or watched something about this somewhere. bit late for it now, anyways - perhaps i just dreamt it.
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Re: British Move to Rescue Americans Abandoned by Biden

Postby HitRed on Mon Aug 23, 2021 7:41 am

History rarely repeats itself but I’m looking more closely at Biden and Elphinstone. They both thought they could work in good faith with the tribes of Afghanistan.
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Re: British Move to Rescue Americans Abandoned by Biden

Postby jusplay4fun on Mon Aug 23, 2021 7:43 pm

HitRed wrote:History rarely repeats itself but I’m looking more closely at Biden and Elphinstone. They both thought they could work in good faith with the tribes of Afghanistan.

History Does Not Repeat Itself. People Do.

It is said that Mark Twain once commented, “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.” Maybe a more accurate version is that history doesn’t repeat itself, but people often do—for better or for worse.

Over the past seventy years, German and American leadership has been defined by shared interests and objectives. Despite any number of crises, there was usually general agreement on goals (if not always tactics). The German-American partnership has been a cornerstone of the larger framework of transatlantic relations—the widest and deepest web of self-interests in the world. And while leadership circles changed over these seven decades, the links have remained largely intact despite the inevitable clashes. That is a pretty remarkable achievement.

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Re: British Move to Rescue Americans Abandoned by Biden

Postby jusplay4fun on Mon Aug 23, 2021 8:18 pm

saxitoxin wrote:Crazy to think ...

When Joe Biden authorized the War in Afghanistan as a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee ...
- The Taliban controlled 85% of Afghan territory
- The Taliban were armed with soft-skinned vehicles, light arms, and no aircraft

When Joe Biden finally ordered retreat ...
- The Taliban control 99% of Afghan territory
- The Taliban are armed with thousand of armored vehicles, and at least 60 U.S.-manufactured aircraft

Everything Biden touches dies.


BUT the guy on the RIGHT with ALL the ribbons HAS BETTER HAIR..!! :D =D> :lol:

and an American Flag behind him in his Photo, TOO..!!

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Re: British Move to Rescue Americans Abandoned by Biden

Postby HitRed on Mon Aug 23, 2021 10:39 pm

If I were president, and I had put our country into the current situation in Afghanistan, I would tell America, our allies, our enemies, and the world, something like this…
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Re: British Move to Rescue Americans Abandoned by Biden

Postby HitRed on Tue Aug 24, 2021 8:12 am

A senior U.S. official confirms that CIA Director William Burns met with Taliban leader and co-founder Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar in Kabul on Monday.

Aren’t these the same Taliban that cut women’s noses off?
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Re: British Move to Rescue Americans Abandoned by Biden

Postby bigtoughralf on Tue Aug 24, 2021 8:51 am

HitRed wrote:Aren’t these the same Taliban that cut women’s noses off?

‘Judge not lest ye be judged.’ - Prophet Isa (Injil, Matta 7:1)
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Re: British Move to Rescue Americans Abandoned by Biden

Postby HitRed on Tue Aug 24, 2021 9:14 am

bigtoughralf wrote:
HitRed wrote:Aren’t these the same Taliban that cut women’s noses off?

‘Judge not lest ye be judged.’ - Prophet Isa (Injil, Matta 7:1)

Masses will rise up against good and what is right and true in the world. You must stand for truth and seek truth where needed. I am the Lord God of Heaven and earth, I see and know all here on earth. There is no escape for those who do evil in my sight. They shall pay for their evil deeds and grind their teeth as their reward. Their false truths will be their own downfall and they will go off to the pit. My word is true and brings light to all who hear and read it. - Jesus
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Re: British Move to Rescue Americans Abandoned by Biden

Postby jonesthecurl on Tue Aug 24, 2021 10:57 am

HitRed wrote:A senior U.S. official confirms that CIA Director William Burns met with Taliban leader and co-founder Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar in Kabul on Monday.

Aren’t these the same Taliban that cut women’s noses off?

As Trump said,
Meetings with the Taliban, of course you have to meet with the Taliban. They’re the ones that you’re negotiating with. I spoke on numerous occasions to the head of the Taliban
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Re: Congress Secretly Sends Delegation to Inspect Biden Evac

Postby saxitoxin on Tue Aug 24, 2021 11:46 pm

A secret, bipartisan delegation was sent by the Congress to inspect the disastrous Biden evacuation from Kabul. The initial feedback paints a picture of a bumbling, feeble and incompetent Old Joe and suggests elderly Old Joe will have to abandon many Americans in Afghanistan where they will be beheaded. Old Joe must be removed from power.

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Re: British Move to Rescue Americans Abandoned by Biden

Postby bigtoughralf on Wed Aug 25, 2021 4:13 am

HitRed wrote:
bigtoughralf wrote:
HitRed wrote:Aren’t these the same Taliban that cut women’s noses off?

‘Judge not lest ye be judged.’ - Prophet Isa (Injil, Matta 7:1)

Masses will rise up against good and what is right and true in the world. You must stand for truth and seek truth where needed. I am the Lord God of Heaven and earth, I see and know all here on earth. There is no escape for those who do evil in my sight. They shall pay for their evil deeds and grind their teeth as their reward. Their false truths will be their own downfall and they will go off to the pit. My word is true and brings light to all who hear and read it. - Jesus

Exactly, judgement is delivered by Allah not by man. As the Prophet said, work on your own deen and lead by example rather than policing other people’s conduct. ‘He chaste yourself, and others will be chaste as well’. And I believe it was Prophet Isa who invited those without sin to cast the first stone at convicted sinners.
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Re: Biden Deploys Troops to Arrest Journalists Critical of E

Postby saxitoxin on Wed Aug 25, 2021 1:18 pm

BILD, Germany's largest newspaper, has been sourced extensively by American media who have already fled from Kabul for their own reporting on the botched Biden evac. Biden has now deployed troops to remove independent press from Afghanistan to stop the criticism of his regime. BILD's editor-in-chief just tweeted ...

Image ... 3992769536
    Under threat from American Military Police, the US military just forced us onto planes to Doha. This was despite the fact we had a safe way out of the airport. Blatant attack on press freedom.

Tell me again about how Trump said some mean things to reporters.
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Re: British Move to Rescue Americans Abandoned by Biden

Postby HitRed on Wed Aug 25, 2021 2:21 pm

bigtoughralf wrote:
HitRed wrote:
bigtoughralf wrote:
HitRed wrote:Aren’t these the same Taliban that cut women’s noses off?

‘Judge not lest ye be judged.’ - Prophet Isa (Injil, Matta 7:1)

Masses will rise up against good and what is right and true in the world. You must stand for truth and seek truth where needed. I am the Lord God of Heaven and earth, I see and know all here on earth. There is no escape for those who do evil in my sight. They shall pay for their evil deeds and grind their teeth as their reward. Their false truths will be their own downfall and they will go off to the pit. My word is true and brings light to all who hear and read it. - Jesus

Exactly, judgement is delivered by Allah not by man. As the Prophet said, work on your own deen and lead by example rather than policing other people’s conduct. ‘He chaste yourself, and others will be chaste as well’. And I believe it was Prophet Isa who invited those without sin to cast the first stone at convicted sinners.

I am the one and only who stands watch as people come to me wanting entry into the Kingdom. Not all will gain entry into my Kingdom. Many people’s hearts have grown cold and hard. To the point I have turned many away. There is no one that gets pass the one true God of Heaven and earth. - Jesus
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Re: Biden Deploys Troops to Arrest Journalists Critical of E

Postby DirtyDishSoap on Wed Aug 25, 2021 2:46 pm

We really going to mix religion and politics now?
Symmetry wrote:
The ram wrote:
Symmetry wrote:Ok, so some stuff goes over your head?

No not here anyway. He never said they were forced.

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Re: British Move to Rescue Americans Abandoned by Biden

Postby mookiemcgee on Wed Aug 25, 2021 3:32 pm

bigtoughralf wrote:
HitRed wrote:
bigtoughralf wrote:
HitRed wrote:Aren’t these the same Taliban that cut women’s noses off?

‘Judge not lest ye be judged.’ - Prophet Isa (Injil, Matta 7:1)

Masses will rise up against good and what is right and true in the world. You must stand for truth and seek truth where needed. I am the Lord God of Heaven and earth, I see and know all here on earth. There is no escape for those who do evil in my sight. They shall pay for their evil deeds and grind their teeth as their reward. Their false truths will be their own downfall and they will go off to the pit. My word is true and brings light to all who hear and read it. - Jesus

Exactly, judgement is delivered by Allah not by man. As the Prophet said, work on your own deen and lead by example rather than policing other people’s conduct. ‘He chaste yourself, and others will be chaste as well’. And I believe it was Prophet Isa who invited those without sin to cast the first stone at convicted sinners.

Fair warning bro... you are arguing with someone who believes THEY ARE the voice of god.
saxitoxin wrote:deaths among the unvaccinated are higher.
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Re: Biden Deploys Troops to Arrest Journalists Critical of E

Postby DirtyDishSoap on Wed Aug 25, 2021 7:23 pm

God doesn't exist. Or Allah.
Or whatever fantasy you idiots dream up.

The world is an ugly place with even uglier people. Embrace it. Turn it into gold rather than preaching about how some invisible entity is watching you every day with everything you do, and will punish you for eternity if you cross him/her. But.... he/she loves you.

Like some poorly written sci fi book. 1/10 Needs more Stephanie Meyer.
Symmetry wrote:
The ram wrote:
Symmetry wrote:Ok, so some stuff goes over your head?

No not here anyway. He never said they were forced.

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