This is the follow up to a "one man clan" challenge.
It is a Randomly Seeded Bracket Poly Games tournament.
SECOND CHANCE for OMC II, III, and IV Participants
OMC V WILL allow OMC II, III, and IV participants who lost in the Round of 32 or Round of 16 ONLY a "second chance" to get to the Grand Finale by participating in OMC V. So if you previously signed up and lost in the Round of 32 or Round of 16, you CAN sign up for OMC V. If you advanced beyond that, that will be considered "your chance" and you won't be allowed to try again.
Each round will subsequently build upon the other until the finals, which will feature TWO 1vs1 full blown poly "clan war" sized battles!
So obviously this is a premium only tournament.
Please note you should expect me sending 7-13 games at a time based on the schedule and maybe a dozen or so poly games at a time, with two weeks apart new ones will be sent possibly before old ones are completed (heavy game load late tournament) (note: not exact, review the schedule and spacing apart yourself and make your own game load judgement if you are concerned)
Once opponents / bracket is created, you'll be sent a PM.
You have 72 hours to respond to my pm with your chosen maps and settings for the round.
Be VERY clear on your map and settings selections. I dont want to have to chase you and ask repeatedly for missing settings.
Once I've received everyones PM, I will send invites out.
Subsequent rounds I will do my best to be considerate of the participants in overlapping rounds with games due to game count. However if theres a couple that are dragging out and the winner has already been determined, its possible that I will send out / request the next round games and settings before ALL games complete from the prior round and send invites out. This is to ensure the tournament continues moving along at a reasonable pace.
Missed invites will be resent once throughout the tournament, once you miss a second time your opponent will advance.
Settings / Rules:
All games must have automatic initial troop deploy (no manual)
All games must be sequential (no freestyle)
All games must have 24 hour round length (no speed)
All spoils are allowed
All forts are allowed except "no forts" (negotiable)
Round limits are not allowed. (Negotiable for "no forts" and "Trench")
No Trench Limit (game quantity)
Must select unique maps within each round (no repeats vs the same opponent)
Can only use the same map THREE times during the entire tournament
Random is the same as any other maps, max three uses in the tournament
Beta maps are not allowed
Each player will pick the map and settings for exactly half of the games
12 hour fog rule is in place, if its broken you need to give all information in chat as soon as its brought to your attention.
Failure to make reasonable efforts to fix or unclear will result in remake, if it occurs multiple times they will start being forfeited.
All issues should try to be resolved between opponents amicably prior to including the TO.
Round of 32 will be exchanged in one set.
Round of 16 will be exchanged in one set.
Quarter Finals will be exchanged in two sets. Two weeks apart
Semi-Finals will be exchanged in three sets. Two weeks apart
Finals will be exchanged in three sets. Two weeks apart
Round of 32: 7 games total
1 Dubs Poly each players choice of map and settings (each player)
1 Trips Poly each players choice of map and settings (each player)
1 Quads Poly each players choice of map and settings (each player)
TB: Classic Trips Poly ESC Chained Sunny
Round of 16: 13 games total all at once
2 Dubs Poly each players choice of map and settings (each player)
2 Trips Poly each players choice of map and settings (each player)
2 Quads Poly each players choice of map and settings (each player)
TB: Classic Trips Poly ESC Chained Sunny
Round of 8: 25 games total (2 Rounds) QUARTER FINALS
4 Dubs Poly each players choice of map and settings (1 first round, 3 second round) (each player)
4 Trips Poly each players choice of map and settings (1 first round, 3 second round) (each player)
4 Quads Poly each players choice of map and settings (3 first round, 1 second round) (each player)
TB: Classic Trips Poly ESC Chained Sunny (first round)
Round of 4: 43 games total (3 Rounds) SEMI FINALS
7 Dubs Poly each players choice of map and settings (1 first round, 2 second round, 4 third round) (each player)
7 Trips Poly each players choice of map and settings (2 first round, 2 second round, 3 third round) (each player)
7 Quads Poly each players choice of map and settings (3 first round, 3 second round, 1 third round) (each player)
TB: Classic Trips Poly ESC Chained Sunny (first round)
Round of 2: 49 games total (3 Rounds) FINALS
8 Dubs Poly each players choice of map and settings (2 first round, 2 second round, 4 third round) (each player)
8 Trips Poly each players choice of map and settings (2 first round, 2 second round, 4 third round) (each player)
8 Quads Poly each players choice of map and settings (4 first round, 3 second round, 1 third round) (each player)
TB: Classic Trips Poly ESC Chained Sunny (first round)
We will see who the best "one man clan" is! (women's applications are accepted too

Prediction Contest and Potential Prizes:
NEW THIS EVENT: Contests and Prizes! Special thanks to Benga and the TD Team

The winner of the tournament will receive a 1,200 credit prize
The runner up of the tournament will receive a 600 credit prize
The winner of the prediction contest once the bracket is created will win a 500 credit prize + a GA Medal
The Grand Finale will have a prize
Prediction Contest:
Once this tournament fills up, the bracket will be created using
Everyone will be welcome to contribute a prediction for approximately two weeks.
I will close off entries / predictions and the winner takes all, please share with your friends!
*I reserve the right to decline entrance due to foe list, previous tournament problems, or very low % turns taken.