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Josko's 50th Tournament {Round 2/Round 3 starts}

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Josko's 50th Tournament {Round 2/Round 3 starts}

Postby josko.ri on Sun Apr 26, 2020 2:23 am

The series of my tournaments on my favorite maps continues and reaches the milestone of having organized 50 tournaments!

Simple format:
512+ Players, Seeded by score and bracket made at the beginning of the tournament.
Play-in Round and 9 more Rounds, best-of-4 games
If you win 3 or 4 games then you advance to the next round, but if you make 2-2 score then you repeat this round once more versus the same opponent (and so on) until someone wins 3 or 4 games.
Premiums only

Each round played on 4 Maps, 1 game on each Map:
1v1, Hive, Automatic, Sequential, Escalating, Adjacent, Sunny, Round Limit 100
Poly(2), Conquer Rome, Automatic, Sequential, No Spoils, Chained, Fog, Round Limit 50
Poly(3), Waterloo, Automatic, Sequential, Flat Rate, Parachute, Fog, Round Limit 30
Poly(4), World 2.1, Automatic, Sequential, Nuclear, Unlimited, Sunny, Round Limit 20

Please sign up, waiting for players ;)

For celebration of my 50 tournaments these Premium Prizes, Conquer Stars, Conquer Credits and a General Achievement Medal are sponsored by the Tournament Organizer josko.ri (1 Year and 3 Months), Tournament Directors Team Leader benga (1 Year and 3 Months), Tech Team Leader dgz345 (1 Year), Community Team Leader Mad777 (6 Months and 2 Blue Conquer Stars), Chatters Team Leader Razorvich (3 Months and 1 GA Medal) and Webmaster bigWham (2000 CC Credits, 1 Red Conquer Star, 1 Green Conquer Star and two sets of Tribe Medals):
1st place: 1 Year Premium and 1 Red Conquer Star Image
2nd place: 6 Months Premium 1 Green Conquer Star Image
3rd-4th place: 2*3 Months Premium and 1 Blue Conquer Star Image
5th-8th place: 4*1 Month Premium and 100 Conquer Credits Image
9th-16th place: 8*1 Month Premium
17th-32nd place: 16* 100 Conquer Credits Image

Tech Team prizes: The player with most wins % on each of 4 maps in the whole tournament with minimum 7 games played on the map will win 3 months premium from Tech Department (4*3 Months Premium prize). In case of tie, the Tech Team Head dgz345 will make some tiebreaker questions about himself and Tech Team and the player with the most correct answers will win the Premium prize.

Chatters Team prizes:
1. Bounty 1 Month Premium - awarded to the player who eliminates Chat Moderator Keefie
2. Bounty 1 Month Premium - awarded to the who eliminates Chat Moderator *Pixar*
3. 1 Month premium - awarded to the player who guess the closest tournament finishing time of the tournament (coming soon).
4. General Achievement Medal - awarded to the player who predicts the bracket the most accurately. This prediction event will take place at the start of Round 3 with 128 players.

Sincere thanks to all the sponsors!

Image The following 41 General Achievement Medals will be side prizes of the tournament, with a lot of bounties to noteworthy contributors to the site from various areas. Check out message from each Bounty player regarding his activity on CC.

Confirmed Bounties:
1. General Achievement Killer Bounty GA Medal - awarded to the player who eliminates the player with the second most General Achievement Medals josko.ri.
josko.ri wrote:One of the oldest medal on CC is awarded for miscellaneous achievements such as unique achievements in the tournaments, eliminating bounties, chatters events, scavenger hunts, some mind and forum games and various other things. This tournament awards 41 General Achievement, 35 of them bounties to noteworthy CC members with short introduction to every bounty medal. Grab your popcorn and enjoy introductions and you will surely learn new stuffs about this site.

2. Webmaster Killer Bounty GA Medal - awarded to the player who eliminates the Webmaster bigWham.
bigWham wrote:I make the robots dance.
Forum link: index.php

3. Multi Hunters Killer Bounty GA Medal - awarded to the player who eliminates the Multi Hunters Team Leader king achilles.
king achilles wrote:We hunt the pests called "Multis". When you create more than one account, you create a multi and it's a must to make the bust. They are strictly forbidden whether or not they play in the same games or are even in use.

4. Cheating/Abuse Killer Bounty GA Medal - awarded to the player who eliminates the Cheating/Abuse Moderator Evil Semp.
king achilles wrote:Cheating & Abuse team - we help the abused and the confused. We keep things in check and make sure that the rules are followed and enforced.
Cheating & Abuse Reports link: viewforum.php?f=5

5. Community Killer Bounty GA Medal - awarded to the player who eliminates the Community Team Leader Mad777.
Mad777 wrote:Creating the unforgettable! Only for your enjoyment, can't have enough made for you all Conquer Club Community.

6. Global Moderators Killer Bounty GA Medal - awarded to the player who eliminates the Global Moderators Team Leader TeeGee.
TeeGee wrote:The Global Mod team make the forums a safer place for everyone.

8. Tournament Killer Bounty GA Medal - awarded to the player who eliminates the Tournament Directors Team Leader benga.
benga wrote:Older brother (Tournaments) of little brother (Tribes).
We keep your game count always flat.
Tournaments link: viewforum.php?f=9

8. Clan Directors Killer Bounty GA Medal - awarded to the player who eliminates the Clan Directors Team Leader davekettering.
davekettering wrote:If you want to pla doubles, triples and quadruples as a team, the Clan Directors Team has it all for you! We work in the background while all of you play on the playground.

9. Academy Killer Bounty GA Medal - awarded to the player who eliminates the Academy Team Leader dhallmeyer.
dhallmeyer wrote:The Academy helps new players learn the basics of gameplay and the community of Conquer Club. We take Cooks and turn them into Officers.
Academy link: viewforum.php?f=341

10. Chatters Killer Bounty GA Medal - awarded to the player who eliminates the Chatters Team Leader Razorvich.
Razorvich wrote:Chat me this .. Chat me that... After 128 its not too late... When will this be done?.... The prize is yours to be won

11. Cartographers Killer Bounty GA Medal - awarded to the player who eliminates the Cartographers Team Leader iancanton.
iancanton wrote:The foundry is where maps are created and shaped by the community, from the drafting room to the workshop and beta testing, before being quenched to take their place in the atlas when ready for full play.
Map Foundry link: viewforum.php?f=10

12. Tech Team Killer Bounty GA Medal - awarded to the player who eliminates the Tech Team Leader dgz345.
dgz345 wrote:I make the guy who makes the robot dances regretting giving me a colored name and hiding from C&A :-$
Tech link: viewforum.php?f=526

13. Beta Testers Killer Bounty GA Medal - awarded to the player who eliminates the Beta Testers Team Leader loutil.
loutil wrote:Beta Testers: where players who are scared to lose their points go and compete in meaningless games.

14. Monthly Challenge Killer Bounty GA Medal - awarded to the player who eliminates the Monthly Challenge Team Moderator Caymanmew.
Caymanmew wrote:Challenge yourself... Monthly! We in the community team bring you monthly challenges to give a constant opportunity to challenge yourself. Additionally, check out the new blind monthly challenge companion tournaments, sign up in the last week of a month to complete in next month's tournament.
Monthly Challenge link: viewforum.php?f=786

15. Pantry Killer Bounty GA Medal - awarded to the player who eliminates the Pantry Team Leader hopalong.
hopalong wrote:Ever become sad thinking about what happens to games that don't fill for 6 months? The Pantry is filled with games going stale, long forgotten by the Conquer Club community, and relies on other obsessive compulsive players to help clean it out. Like momma always said: waste not want not :!:
Pantry link: viewtopic.php?f=870&t=222406

16. Society of Cooks 1v1 Ladder Killer Bounty GA Medal - awarded to the player who eliminates the SoC 1v1 Ladder Team Leader celliottii.
celliottii wrote:Want a medal? Come climb the SoC 1v1 Ladder to claim it from the tree. Easiest medal ever, as long as your not afraid of heights!
SoC 1v1 Ladder link: viewtopic.php?f=341&t=194552

17. Society of Guides Killer Bounty GA Medal - awarded to the player who eliminates the player who was ranked in top 3 Society of Guides monthly leaderboards for every month in 2020 Hooch.
Hooch wrote:It never hurts to help
The Society of Guides is a special Conquer Club group that helps introduce new players to the game and the website. Guide Games and how to participate in this program are described here. The SoG forum group is here.

18. Mafia Killer Bounty GA Medal - awarded to the player who eliminates the player who is very active in Mafia games ZaBeast.
ZaBeast wrote:Do you like mafia? Well, you're in luck because we have a whole subforum dedicated to it!
Give it a look, it's in need of some love.
For those needing a bit more convincing, official games worth cc credits do pop up from time to time.

19. Dispatch Killer Bounty GA Medal - awarded to the player who eliminates the CC Dispatch Moderator Dukasaur.
Dukasaur wrote:The CC Dispatch was my first volunteer position at CC. It was at that time a big, ambitious newsletter published in the forums. Over the years we have scaled it down and now it's a rare treat rather than a regular feature, but still helps unite CC by putting all the news in a single location.
CC Dispatch link: viewforum.php?f=430

20. Strategy Guide Killer Bounty GA Medal - awarded to the player who eliminates the player who wrote the most Official Strategy Guides from active players JBlombier.
JBlombier wrote:A bunch of people with the clear objective to create a Complete A-Z List of official strategy guides. Now there's finally a map starting with the Z in beta, but the group is no longer writing guides. It'll remain the Incomplete A-W List of official strategy guides and if anyone cares: feel free to write the missing ones yourself!
Official Strategy Guides link: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=80036

21. Conqueror Killer Bounty GA Medal - awarded to the player who eliminates the current Conqueror narutoserigala.
narutoserigala wrote:The years long journey to Conqueror was tough but the experience was rewarding and sharpened my mental fitness. The Conqueror is highly visible and this motivates me to strive/sustain a balance and to continue growing.

22. Most Wins Killer Bounty GA Medal - awarded to the player who eliminates the player with the most wins on the site TheRookThief.
TheRookThief wrote:Come and get some introduction if you think you're tough enough.

23. General Contribution Killer Bounty GA Medal - awarded to the player who eliminates the player with the second most General Contribution medals Lindax.
Lindax wrote:I was surprised to see that there is only one other member with more GA Medals than me. Guess more than 10 years with various CC departments and assisting with projects helps a lot. However, many of the GA Medals are for organizing clan tournaments, since we do not have a separate medal for it. Anybody can organize a clan tournament though, maybe you should give it a try! Lx

24. Tournament Contribution Killer Bounty GA Medal - awarded to the player who eliminates the player with the most Tournament Contribution Medals from active players merch313.
merch313 wrote:Hi all and thanks for joining Josko's tournament. I encourage all to to experience the fun in running tournaments. By doing so you really do get to meet more CC players from all levels of play, different clans/tribes and maybe a future hook up ;). Enjoy all!

25. Map Contribution Killer Bounty GA Medal - awarded to the player who eliminates the player with the most Map Contribution medals from active players WidowMakers.
WidowMakers wrote:I always loved playing this game growing up. When I found CC and saw I could make my own maps, it was fantastic. Over the years I have had the fortune of working with great artists and designers to create some fun maps for everyone to enjoy.

26. The Championships Killer Bounty GA Medal - awarded to the player who eliminates the player with the most The Championships wins Donelladan.
Donelladan wrote:The championship tournaments are highly challenging tournaments organized to determine the best player of CC in a specific gameplay.
Winning one of them is long journey and an accomplishment.
The Championships link: ... mpionships

27. Conquer Cup Killer Bounty GA Medal - awarded to the player who eliminates the player with the most Conquer Cup wins betiko.
betiko wrote:I've played the conquer cup a few times, with the ambition to go as far as possible... But never thought I would get to win it... Even less twice! I won an Ipad the first time which I still use a lot and a multimedia system for my car the second time... You should definitely try the conquer cup!!!

28. Event Killer Bounty GA Medal - awarded to the player who eliminates the player with 2 Gold and 2 Silver Event Medals DBandit70.
ZaBeast wrote:Site events are a great way to earn credits and/or stars.
Monthly challenges, scavenger hunts, holiday events and more...
There's something for every taste!

29. Monthly Leader Killer Bounty GA Medal - awarded to the player who eliminates the player with the second most Monthly Leader Gold Medals Kaskavel.
Kaskavel wrote:Always move your score up and down. Never get yourself stuck in your favorite map to keep your max score. One month a conqueror, next month a major.

30. Most Improved Killer Bounty GA Medal - awarded to the player who eliminates the player with Most Improved Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals Runeldo.
Runeldo wrote:The Rise To The Top' to get the most improved killer only happens if you turn Your Knowledge, Passion and Expertise into clear KILLINGs on the fields of Conquer Club - lets battle...

31. Game Achievement Killer Bounty GA Medal - awarded to the player who eliminates the first player with all Gold or Platinum Game Achievement Medals sdh.
sdh wrote:Hunting the Game Achievement medals can be fun and makes you play games and settings you wouldnā€™t normally try. It becomes increasingly difficult to find unique opponents the closer you get to the next medal, but itā€™s part of the challenge :)

32. Tournament Achievement Killer Bounty GA Medal - awarded to the player who eliminates the player with the most Tournament Achievement medals from active players shoop76.
shoop76 wrote:I am looking to add another tournament win to my trophy case. Who can stop me?

33. Tribe Achievement Killer Bounty GA Medal - awarded to the player who eliminates the only player with two Tribe MVP Medals dkmaster.
dkmaster wrote:ĀØTribal leaque, Tribal Cup and Tribal Supercup are amazing wars where you fight for your tribe against the best tribes on the site. All games are 1v1 or poly against the best players on the site. So game on :D

34. Clan Achievement Killer Bounty GA Medal - awarded to the player who eliminates the player with the most Clan Achievement Medals tokle.
tokle wrote:Clan is family.

35. Training Achievement Killer Bounty GA Medal - awarded to the player who eliminates the only player with the most Training Achievement Medals JJ41375.
JJ41375 wrote:As an SOC teacher I get to help new players learn the basics of CC play in multi-player escalating games. It is a great way to give back to the CC community. As the saying goes turning today's cooks into tomorrow's officers.

36. Challenge Achievement Killer Bounty GA Medal - awarded to the player who eliminates the player with the second most Challenge Achievement Medals b00060.
b00060 wrote:Never back down from a Challenge!

Performance GA medals:
37. First Timer GA Medal - awarded to the best placed player(s) who do not yet have a CC tournament win in their lifetime, with minimum requirement to reach Round 3. Reference time for not having a CC tournament win is at the start of the tournament.
38. Underdog GA Medal - awarded to the lowest seeded player who advances to Round 2.
39. Map Master GA Medal - awarded to every player who ends the tournament undefeated on any of four maps, with minimum 5 games played on the map.
40. Triple Double GA Medal - awarded to every player who eliminates 3 or more higher ranked players than himself/herself. Reference time for ranking is at the beginning of the tournament.
41. Clean Sheet GA Medal - additionally awarded to the winner of the tournament if he/she wins it without playing any tiebreaker (i.e. wins every round 3-1 or 4-0 from the first chance).

Image For Tribe players, this tournament counts twice, individually and for the Tribe contest. There will be two separate Tribe contests, for Advanced Tribes and for Primitive Tribes, each of them will be awarded Tribe medals to all participating players from the winning Tribe. Reference time for particular Tribe membership is at the beginning of the tournament, when TO will make public list of participating players per each Tribe (List of Tribe players can be found in this link: viewtopic.php?f=90&t=233122#p5148245)

Tribe scoring rules:
At the start of the tournament every player starts with 0 points and advancing to every next round gains him/her +1 point. Maximum points that a player can earn is 9 because there are 9 main rounds, but for some players theoretical maximum is 10 because they will start from play-in round. However, these players who start from the play-in round will have harder draw than other players from round 1 onwards because the draw is seeded.
At the end, all collected points per all Tribe members are divided by total number of players which participated from that Tribe, with minimum of 7 players. Tribes who have less than 7 players in the tournament are also eligible to participate but their total points get divided by 7.

Statistics from past 49 tournaments:
264 Players played
Only one player ranked lower than Major (jigger1986) won at least one tournament.

Previous Winners Hall of Fame (out of 45 completed tournaments):
josko.ri 27
rockfist 4
JBlombier 2
molespe 2
nibotha 1
ballenus 1
dkmaster 1
Clanlord Carl 1
grt 1
BIG_John 1
Triple 6 1
Denise 1
djelebert 1
jigger1986 1
Last edited by josko.ri on Sat Jun 26, 2021 6:44 am, edited 270 times in total.
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Josko's 50th Tournament [768 players]

Postby josko.ri on Sun Apr 26, 2020 2:23 am

Round 2 Update from 19 March 2021:

236 of 256 Matches from Round 1 have determined winners and this is draw for Round 2 which starts this weekend. 20 empty spots are the ones where player advancing to Round 2 is not yet determined.

show: Round 2 Matchups


Old updates:
I post update which still have minor errors by showing dropout players before they were replaced by a reserve.
All other is accurate.
Pairings for Round 1 are made according to seeded draw 1v512, 2v511 etc.
Then, pairings for every sebsequent round will be made accordingly, so 1v265, 2v255 etc, so if you are curious about your bracket you can find it by yourself from the data below.

1. Round 1

show: Batch 1 sent on August 16 - 174 of 256

show: Batch 2 about to be sent this week 174+48 is 222 of 256

2. Play-in round

show: Play-in round byes - 256

show: Play-in round matches - 256


Below this point is old update which I only use for my reference.
This update is not valid anymore.

Players list (816/?)
Advanced Tribe players list (112/?)
Primitive Tribe players list (97/?)
Up to blonpina page 39

show: Players list - 816

show: Reserves - 2

show: Advanced Tribe players list - 112

show: Primitive Tribe players list - 97
Last edited by josko.ri on Thu Mar 18, 2021 10:04 pm, edited 77 times in total.
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Re: Josko's 50th Tournament {Premium Prizes, GA Medal] [1/12

Postby josko.ri on Sun Apr 26, 2020 2:24 am

I am in.
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Re: Josko's 50th Tournament {Premium Prizes, GA Medal] [1/12

Postby wendall2000 on Sun Apr 26, 2020 2:38 am

In please
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Re: Josko's 50th Tournament {Premium Prizes, GA Medal] [1/12

Postby 11Joan11 on Sun Apr 26, 2020 2:39 am

thanks for the invite. In please. greetings Joan.
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Re: Josko's 50th Tournament {Premium Prizes, GA Medal] [1/12

Postby Paul Tabinor on Sun Apr 26, 2020 2:46 am

Thanks for the invite, please count me in!
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Re: Josko's 50th Tournament {Premium Prizes, GA Medal] [1/12

Postby PnC on Sun Apr 26, 2020 2:47 am

definitely in mate :)
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Re: Josko's 50th Tournament {Premium Prizes, GA Medal] [1/12

Postby Bwana on Sun Apr 26, 2020 2:58 am

in pleas
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Re: Josko's 50th Tournament {Premium Prizes, GA Medal] [5/12

Postby Clanlord Carl on Sun Apr 26, 2020 3:02 am

In please
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Re: Josko's 50th Tournament {Premium Prizes, GA Medal] [5/12

Postby General Roy on Sun Apr 26, 2020 3:06 am

Thanks for the invitation. I'd like to participate.

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Re: Josko's 50th Tournament {Premium Prizes, GA Medal] [5/12

Postby Scarlet Lady on Sun Apr 26, 2020 3:13 am

Could be a very long tournament (big maps with high round limits played ? times) but I'm in thanks
Click image to enlarge.
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Re: Josko's 50th Tournament {Premium Prizes, GA Medal] [5/12

Postby sccoxx on Sun Apr 26, 2020 3:15 am

In please! And thank you for the invite
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Re: Josko's 50th Tournament {Premium Prizes, GA Medal] [5/12

Postby EspenOvergaard on Sun Apr 26, 2020 3:16 am

thanks for invite. IĀ“ll join.
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Re: Josko's 50th Tournament {Premium Prizes, GA Medal] [5/12

Postby Kotaro on Sun Apr 26, 2020 3:25 am

EspenOvergaard wrote:thanks for invite. IĀ“ll join.
Lakad Matataaag!
Normalin, normalin.


TheJonah wrote:I`m not really that arsed. Just supporting my mucker.
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Re: Josko's 50th Tournament {Premium Prizes, GA Medal] [5/12

Postby All Black Rugby on Sun Apr 26, 2020 3:35 am

In please
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Re: Josko's 50th Tournament {Premium Prizes, GA Medal] [5/12

Postby Charle on Sun Apr 26, 2020 3:45 am

In please
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Re: Josko's 50th Tournament {Premium Prizes, GA Medal] [5/12

Postby general cod on Sun Apr 26, 2020 3:53 am

Thank you for the invite, in please
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Re: Josko's 50th Tournament {Premium Prizes, GA Medal] [5/12

Postby hjelp on Sun Apr 26, 2020 4:23 am

I'm in, thanks 8-)
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Re: Josko's 50th Tournament {Premium Prizes, GA Medal] [5/12

Postby Silly Knig-it on Sun Apr 26, 2020 4:37 am

in pls
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Re: Josko's 50th Tournament {Premium Prizes, GA Medal] [5/12

Postby NvrTellMeTheOdds on Sun Apr 26, 2020 4:52 am

in, if you so deign
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Re: Josko's 50th Tournament {Premium Prizes, GA Medal] [5/12

Postby thelord on Sun Apr 26, 2020 5:05 am

Thanks for invite. im defo in!
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Re: Josko's 50th Tournament {Premium Prizes, GA Medal] [5/12

Postby ghow on Sun Apr 26, 2020 5:12 am

Thank you for setting this up and for inviting me.
I'm in.
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Re: Josko's 50th Tournament {Premium Prizes, GA Medal] [5/12

Postby ultraman on Sun Apr 26, 2020 5:23 am

in please
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Re: Josko's 50th Tournament {Premium Prizes, GA Medal] [5/12

Postby Awoodness on Sun Apr 26, 2020 5:28 am

In please.
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Re: Josko's 50th Tournament {Premium Prizes, GA Medal] [5/12

Postby Astoriana on Sun Apr 26, 2020 5:31 am

thanks for invitation, count me in. lets have fun ;)
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