by BoganGod on Wed Mar 26, 2014 3:08 pm
In no order of importance please answer these tame and pg rated questions.
- Why did you change your original user name(I liked it), and please share with the newer members of the community your original user handle.
- Are you happy that betiko left? I imagine TOFU is a lot blander without him.
- Do you recruit based solely on players willingness to be bland, worship you, not mention your twin brother, and say they prefer dogs to cats.
- Is it true that you and josko are twins, separated at birth. Raised apart and doomed to destroy the world if ever reconciled.
- Comment on whether you named TOFU after the horribly lame movie or the mind numbingly bland food substance.
- After exposure to both, which do you prefer american or english spelling of the english language.
- If you had to spend an entire day reading posts by one of the following HardAttack, eddie2, iamcaffiene, or betiko. Who would you select and why.
- Have you ever been in love with another man? <de caf kid doesn't count as a man>
- Which do you find more attractive sheep, goats, camels, or lamas
- Which past communist dictator or warlord which you most like to emulate
- Would you rather eat braised dog or stir fried cat
- bulldogs or mastiffs
- lack or wham
- do you miss blitz
- do you play ping pong
- Harness racing or greyhounds
- mah jong or back gammon
- creole or tex mex tkway food
- If you had the power to ban one member on CC who would it be, and why. If the member is josko, pick a second person as well please.
- opium or hash
Thank you in advance for your forthright and complete answers. Cheers mate